Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

House to Vote on Stem Cell Funding Changes

Click here: - Politics - House to Vote on Stem Cell Funding Changes

President Bush has vowed to veto legislation he says would let science destroy life to save life.

Speaking at the White House on Tuesday afternoon, Bush said that grave moral issues are at stake if the federal government agrees to expand umbilical stem cell research.

"I believe America must pursue the tremendous possibilities of science and I believe we can do so while still fostering and encouraging a respect for life in all its stages," Bush said in an East Room event that include 21 "snowflake babies," or children born from "adopted" frozen embryos.

"We must remember that real human lives are involved, both the lives of those with diseases that might find cures from this research and the lives of the embryos that will be destroyed in the process. The children here today are reminders that every human life is a precious gift of matchless value," the president said.

Yay George! You tell those "pro-baby killers" (kudos to Betsy), who work to make sure NONE of those children would be standing there!

I mean, think about how many babies are born in America ALONE every day and how much umbilical blood there is there to use for research. It's insane to say we need to kill babies to perform the SAME research that can be done just as well without causing harm to anyone.

Minus the whole "if stem cell research WAS such a fabulous idea, people from all over the world would pouring money into it ... and they're not" clause no one in the main stream media EVER wants to talk about...


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