Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Pass the Pâté

"La Bulldozer" is f*cked.

But then again, I think pretty much the entire EU is about the same, so there MAY be some bias there... But that doesn't mean I'm wrong, lol. ;)

"What worries me most are the French people. For all their righteous indignation, they were angry for the wrong reasons. They voted against the constitution because they're afraid for their jobs, they want to keep their cushy lives, they want to maintain the status quo. Well they're just writing their own national death sentence.

Because the EU document has nothing to do with what ails them now. They better wake up and smell the Starbuck’s coffee and understand that bulking up on vacation and days off is nice … but it isn't going to get you ahead. And having every social benefit in the world is wonderful, but there's going to be nothing left for their children. And instead of fearing outsiders entering the French Magic Kingdom (the boogie man this year was a low-wage Polish plumber) they should welcome them so they can get on with the other creative and stylish things the French do.

Click here: - U.S. & World - <b>Reporter's Notebook:</b> Pass the Pâté


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