Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Welcome to America, now eat Jello

After getting my email alert that Mr. Webster had updated his blog (yay, love this feature), I (of course) followed the post on to Illinois Schools Canceling Christmas and Halloween to Avoid Offending Muslims on Free Republic.

First things first:

Still have a sister in elementary school, and trust me, the only offensive thing left in "Christmas" parties in public schools is if you are H2O intolerent crybaby leftist and are thus easily offended by pictures of snowflakes/snowmen/children throwing snowballs, etc. (Or if you are the parent/sibling of a child that comes home hopped up on sugar from said party... But that's an entirely different rant.)

There's no baby Jesus, no arch angels, no star. Pretty much, nothing CHRISTMAS in there "Christmas" parties.

So what is there to be offended by? Happy children? "Allah, no, proctect us from the happy American youngsters! They make my eyes burn and my soul cry out to you!"

...S E R I O U S L Y here people.

I mean, most school districts switched to calling Christmas break "Winter Break" ages ago.

And I'm completely at a loss as to why Muslims hate Halloween- because if it's the All Hallow's Eve semi-Christian roots they're bothered by, they seem to know a heck of a lot more about Halloween then most Americas who are running around in costume.

Grant it, I've seen some pretty trashy get ups in younger and younger grades the past few years. (And this is the UNDER high school crowd.)

Unless high sugar intake levels violates some Islamic law I know nothing of?

On a more serious note, my email box also contained this article by Robert Spencer, the same guy who wrote The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) a while back (which I recommend reading- they whole PIG series is great).

As summerized at the top of the article:

The following article by Robert Spencer deals with the Muslim persecution of Christians and documents how this persecution is rooted in -- and mandated by -- Islamic law. This article is a segment of a series being run as part of our nation-wide campus effort, “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week,” which will be held on 200 university and college campuses on October 22-26. Themes of the week’s events will include the oppression of women and homosexuals in Islam -- as part of a comprehensive focus on all the victims of Islamo-Fascist Jihad. Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is also a national effort to counter the lies of the academic Left, which seeks to deny the evil -- and even the very existence -- of our enemy in the terror war. In this way, Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week hopes to educate American students and to enable them to rally to defend their country.

(L O V E the poster by the way. Simple and to the point.)

Followed on to IFAW's website and yay! Hillsdale is on the list of schools participating in this! (Hopefully, this is a yearly tradition and I can- God willing!- participate next fall.)

I think I may be getting back into the hang of this blogging thing again, after all. ;) ;)

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