Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Friday, June 10, 2005

EU crisis deepens as France and Germany gang up on Britain

"Commentators noted that Chirac and Schroeder will be going into the summit severely weakened.

Chirac faces a lame-duck presidency to the end of his mandate in 2007 because of the referendum debacle, while various electoral defeats in Germany have left Schroeder with little prospect of holding on to power in polls next year.

On the other hand, Blair last month won a third mandate and is governing one of the rare vibrant economies among the major EU members.A veto from him would scuttle the summit and delay EU budget decision to early next year.

"Tony Blair may not have the intention of ruining the European summit. But he has the power to do so. That's his strength," the French newspaper Le Figaro said."

How DARE these looser try to gang up on Tony!!

Click here: EU crisis deepens as France and Germany gang up on Britain


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