Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Michael Goodwin: Howard and Hillary sing the same tune

"Howard Dean is all the rage. The loudmouth leader of the Democratic Party has set off fireworks with his nasty broadsides at Republicans. He's been so harsh that some in his own party want to muzzle him. Here's a taste of the tone:

"Right now we have a White House and a majority in Congress who are systematically weakening the democratic traditions and institutions on which this nation was built. They are turning back the clock; they are tearing down the building blocks of democracy ... turning the clock back on the 20th century. Turning the progress back beyond Franklin Roosevelt, even beyond Teddy Roosevelt."

Oops. Beg pardon. That wasn't Howard Dean. That was Sen. Hillary Clinton, speaking at a Democratic dinner in Minnesota in April.

Here was Dean speaking on the same topic, the Senate filibuster rule, at a Take Back America conference in Washington on June 2:

"This administration is beginning to erode the core of our democracy. ... The great genius of American democracy is that if 48% of you vote one way, you still have some say. ... Now they're trying to eliminate that."

The accusation is identical, the words are interchangeable. And it is not a unique event."

Very good column! (Great quoting!) And I think this speaks more of the true Hillary! then any of us have seen in a good long time-but we all KNEW was there, of course. Wonder if they have the same speech writer right now? Because if not, we're close to a copyright infringement suit here, lol!

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