Wow, Sesame Street Flashback Here...
I stole this from Kat, but she probably got it from someone else first, so we're all going to have to be ok with this, lol! ;)
My ABC's
A - Age of your first kiss: 14? God, and I chew out my brother for TALKING about girls at 16... I'm BAD, lol! Or maybe it was simply my first bf that was? Who knows at this point? ;) ;)
B - Band you are listening to right now: None, since I stopped to do this in the library :shhhhhhhhhhhhh!: If I was at home, I think I'd by listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack again. ...Which is not a band. But that's ok, lol.
C - Crush: As in people I actually see occasionally, and there's a point in crushing in? No one since there was the one guy I thought was really cute I saw at Johnson food hall a few years back. Other then that? Something I should be smarter than to be even THINKING about AGAIN. :mental smack:
D - Dad's name: The one he was given at birth or the one he goes by?
E - Easiest person/people to talk to: Owen, Betsy, Maggie, my mom, Lauren, Kristi...
F - Favorite ice cream: Vanilla (ice! ice! baby!). I am a conservative traditionalist! ;)
G - Gummy worms or Gummy bears? Sour gummy worms, those things are AWESOME! :)
H - Hometown: Smalltown, USA- which I actually love a lot more than I did in high school, when I bitched about it all the time. Go figure, huh?
J - Junior High: Sucks.
K - Kids: Yes. Several, with the right person at the right time, etc. etc. Want the list of names I like, too? Lol!
L - Longest car ride: Oh dear God. Too many when I was younger. Um, middle of Texas to Chicago was a hike- as in, several days in which I was squished between my brothers' carseats in the back seat. Longest since I graduated from HS, Denver to Durango (six hours).
M - Mom's name: Nuh, we're crossing the line into To Much Information Territory here, but most of you know anyways.
N - Nicknames: Well, Betsy called me 'Madame Maid' on my last post, does that count? Actually, I don't think I really have any anymore, now that I think about it... When did this happen?? Lol!
O - One wish: One??? I can't do one!!!
P - Phobia: Speaking in front of large groups of people. Making a fool of myself. Killing bugs. (Not the bugs themselves, just the squishing them bit = eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! Freak out!)
Q - Quote: Let's throw "Yes, I'm a natural blue." and "I'd like to remind people listening here tonight that a plan is not a litany of complaints." of George W. Bush's from last election season just for fun, since I don't have a list on me.
R - Reasons to smile: It's warm for November and beautiful outside today!
S - Simple pleasures in life? Sunshine. Fleece. Blue skies. Email. Talk radio. (Lol, only for me!)
T - Time you woke up today: I woke up at 7 something, but I didn't get out of bed until like closer to 8, since this was the first day I didn't have to be in to work until 9- yay for lazy Saturdays!
U - Unknown fact about me: I'll have to refrain from telling, or it'll cease to be "unknown". ;) ;)
V - Vegetables you hate: Olives. Cucumbers. Green peppers. Broc. Coliflower. (Sp?) Cooked carrots. Sprouts. Brussel sprouts. (Does ANYONE actually like brussel sprouts???)
W - Worst luck with: Relationships?
X - X-rays you've had: My head when I hit it when I passed out in the heat in church back down south in middle school. My head again (repeatedly) when I was young when I got sinus infections that put me in the hospital once a year when I was 0-10. My teeth before I had my wisdom teeth removed.
Y - Years since you've been to church: A few weeks ago, actually, do to scheduling conflicts... But I feel bad about it!
Z - Zoo animal? Penguins!!!
My ABC's
A - Age of your first kiss: 14? God, and I chew out my brother for TALKING about girls at 16... I'm BAD, lol! Or maybe it was simply my first bf that was? Who knows at this point? ;) ;)
B - Band you are listening to right now: None, since I stopped to do this in the library :shhhhhhhhhhhhh!: If I was at home, I think I'd by listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack again. ...Which is not a band. But that's ok, lol.
C - Crush: As in people I actually see occasionally, and there's a point in crushing in? No one since there was the one guy I thought was really cute I saw at Johnson food hall a few years back. Other then that? Something I should be smarter than to be even THINKING about AGAIN. :mental smack:
D - Dad's name: The one he was given at birth or the one he goes by?
E - Easiest person/people to talk to: Owen, Betsy, Maggie, my mom, Lauren, Kristi...
F - Favorite ice cream: Vanilla (ice! ice! baby!). I am a conservative traditionalist! ;)
G - Gummy worms or Gummy bears? Sour gummy worms, those things are AWESOME! :)
H - Hometown: Smalltown, USA- which I actually love a lot more than I did in high school, when I bitched about it all the time. Go figure, huh?
J - Junior High: Sucks.
K - Kids: Yes. Several, with the right person at the right time, etc. etc. Want the list of names I like, too? Lol!
L - Longest car ride: Oh dear God. Too many when I was younger. Um, middle of Texas to Chicago was a hike- as in, several days in which I was squished between my brothers' carseats in the back seat. Longest since I graduated from HS, Denver to Durango (six hours).
M - Mom's name: Nuh, we're crossing the line into To Much Information Territory here, but most of you know anyways.
N - Nicknames: Well, Betsy called me 'Madame Maid' on my last post, does that count? Actually, I don't think I really have any anymore, now that I think about it... When did this happen?? Lol!
O - One wish: One??? I can't do one!!!
P - Phobia: Speaking in front of large groups of people. Making a fool of myself. Killing bugs. (Not the bugs themselves, just the squishing them bit = eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! Freak out!)
Q - Quote: Let's throw "Yes, I'm a natural blue." and "I'd like to remind people listening here tonight that a plan is not a litany of complaints." of George W. Bush's from last election season just for fun, since I don't have a list on me.
R - Reasons to smile: It's warm for November and beautiful outside today!
S - Simple pleasures in life? Sunshine. Fleece. Blue skies. Email. Talk radio. (Lol, only for me!)
T - Time you woke up today: I woke up at 7 something, but I didn't get out of bed until like closer to 8, since this was the first day I didn't have to be in to work until 9- yay for lazy Saturdays!
U - Unknown fact about me: I'll have to refrain from telling, or it'll cease to be "unknown". ;) ;)
V - Vegetables you hate: Olives. Cucumbers. Green peppers. Broc. Coliflower. (Sp?) Cooked carrots. Sprouts. Brussel sprouts. (Does ANYONE actually like brussel sprouts???)
W - Worst luck with: Relationships?
X - X-rays you've had: My head when I hit it when I passed out in the heat in church back down south in middle school. My head again (repeatedly) when I was young when I got sinus infections that put me in the hospital once a year when I was 0-10. My teeth before I had my wisdom teeth removed.
Y - Years since you've been to church: A few weeks ago, actually, do to scheduling conflicts... But I feel bad about it!
Z - Zoo animal? Penguins!!!
At Sunday, November 13, 2005 2:39:00 PM,
Elizabeth said…
Hey girlie. Keep missing your phone calls Waaaaaaaaaaah!! We do have to dish. I have a very irritating story to tell you. I was going to make a furious blog post about it, but I've decided to save the juicyness for your glorious self.
Love you girlie! I hate what Sesame Street has done to Cookie Monster. Stickwits.
At Sunday, November 13, 2005 5:25:00 PM,
Maggie said…
1. Don't worry, it is the solemn duty of all girls to freak out when their younger brothers acquire hormones! The oldest of my younger brothers is 17 years and 11 months old, and he is still FORBIDDEN to discuss such things in front of me! Lest I vomit.
2. Yes, give us the names your future offspring will bear gloriously into history! I think everyone has a "list." For instance, I'm not even expecting to have children, yet I too have a "list."
3. Obviously, you have never tasted Cookies n' Cream or you would never have committed such blasphemy as to pick vanilla.
4. Oooo, scheduling conflicts! Do I detect some Anglican Guilt ? :) Not quite as effective as Catholic Guilt, though, is it ;) I remember one time when our family was going to a baseball game, it was not only a Sunday but a Holy Day of Obligation, so missing church was a definite no-no. Betsy and I decided that although we would be spending all day at Jacobs Field, we could make the evening Mass at the downtown cathedral, rushing over there right after the game.
Of course we refused to go into the cathedral wearing jeans and tennis shoes, and we had no time to change, so we ended up having to wear skirts and heels and nice church hats to the baseball game. Ooo, very much ... fun ;)
At Monday, November 14, 2005 2:41:00 PM,
Sebosmile said…
Haha, I remember that Maggie! Ran into ya'll at the library and you're all dressed up all pretty...And on the way to a baseball game?? I was so confused, lol! (And didn't you mooch off Betsy's library card or something? Or was it the other way around?
Cookies and cream is amazing, and is a close third right behind Ben and Jerry's Half Baked. (Brownie/cookie dough combo that is to DIE for but so bad potentially for my hips that I stay far, FAR away!)
Sesame Street went downhill when Jim Henson died, no question.
...I have the urge to watch some old school Muppet Show now... I'll have to request the DVD from that library, lol!
Yes, Anglican guilt. It's up there with Catholic guilt, but I don't think we ever hit ourselves with planks, or whatever the spoof is, lol!
To make up for the bad feelings, I've got young adult women's Bible/book study thing tonight at 8. I'll let you know how that goes... Esp. since it better not go to late since getting up at 5:30 has gotten me used to going to be closer to 9, lol!!!
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