Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Random blogging...

Much lovin' to Maggie's newest column! (Although, it making me laugh in a public library was not so much of a good thing...)

Best Part: "Worse, this attitude has infected believers themselves and produced some Grade-D thinking. Take, for instance, the popular bumper sticker that proclaims, “Jesus was a liberal!” If a nineteenth-century ghost were to rise from its Athens grave and begin to scream, “Jesus was a Whig!” or “Jesus was a Constitutional Unionist!” we would all have a good laugh at his expense and blithely go back to scrolling through our cell phones. It would be clear to everyone that those political labels, entrenched as they are in the muck and grime of the past, are ultimately inseparable from their particular moment in history and cannot be appropriately applied to a Jew who lived and died two thousand years ago and is believed to be currently reigning in Heaven."

So... From this, I am to assume that Jesus was not, in fact, a Whig? Darn! There goes that dear held theory of mine down the drain! ;) ;)

Weather has evened out. (= No snow yet.) Sure LOOKS like winter, though.

In related news, I either need to take the hint and find my gloves (which I am starting to think were eaten by the troll under my bed) or just buck up and buy new ones.

I had two honest to God days off in a row! :shock: Bads news is I have to close the next five days in a row. :groan:

Maggie comes home in six weeks!

...And I'm off to Bible study...


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