Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Prayer for Veteran's Day, taken from our Sunday morning service

Almighty God, we give you thanks for the men and women of this country who have defended the cause of freedom around the world by serving in the armed forces of the United States.

We give you thanks for their many sacrifices, even to the giving of their lives.

We also commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces who are currently serving both at home and abroad.

Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Personal prayers and thanks today to Robby and Adam!

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