Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Monday, December 12, 2005

Ew, nasty

So, I've been lacking of online accessing the last few days, because my dah-ling 13-year-old brother managed to get a staph infection in a scrape on his elbow- which then mutated into water/puss filled/blistery things. Fairly nasty looking, actually.

Long story short, they stuck him in the hospital on Saturday, and he's still there getting antibiotics pumped into his arm via IV.


However, no one's had to stay in a hospital overnight since I was like ten, so he was (originally, now I think he's just getting bored, because it's not like he feels sick or anything) having a good time getting fussed over and getting to play with the buttons on his bed.

Case in point, I called like an hour ago and, while my mom was talking to me on the phone, he kept putting his bed ALLLLLLL the way up- and then immeadiately ALLLLLLL the way down.

Went to visit him last night, and my sister loved the hospital cafeteria. (Go fig, since I thought the food was kinda sad looking, lol.)

Anyways, his infection isn't responding to the antibiotics as much as the docter wanted, so he may be coming home tonight... Or he might not, which would suck.

(I tell you, people in my family.... I ALWAYS get the strain of strep- C, I think- that you can't treat normally, and my brother is not only allergic to normal antibiotic pain medication, he also has to get the unusual strain of staph!)

So, prayers for my brother, and his arm!


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