Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Semi Organized Stream of Consciousness

Following taken from my non-electronic "blog" on Monday, so Maggie won't complain (lol, love you babes!) and I'll actually have something to post on hear for today, lol.

Had the day off work today. Was mildly weird, since I haven't not gone in on a week day since I started over a month ago. (Of course) I woke up at my normal time (5:30), but I came to the prompt decision to throw the blankets over my head and Go. Back. To. Sleep. (I mean, what was a going to do at 5:30 if I hadn't, anyways?)

Was nice to eat lunch at home with my mom again at a normal lunch time- v. my "normal" 10:30 or 3:30 I usually eat at. Cooking lunch (semi from scratch, at that!) was also a good time. Tried to watch some of the Kevin Costner/Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves during lunch, and my mother is apparently at a loss as to how she raised me not to like "fluffier" movies. (Hey, the Crusade shots at the beginning of the movie are a tad… er… Rough. And dirty.)

I find this funny/ridiculous because I actually love a lot of movies that are pure fluff. (Long live the chick flick!) Sleepless in Seattle has been a top fav for years, I loved Stepford Wives, Calendar Girls was hilarious, Kate and Leapold was AWESOME and 13 Going on 30 was about the cutest movie ever! (So there, ha!)

However, I gotta say I see nothing wrong with good looking manly men swinging swords/etc to kick bad guy booty/save the girl/the day/the plot line, right? ;) ;)

That and I've never seen all of this Robin Hood before, and I ***LOVE*** Alan Rickman! (Sexy English he-man voices! :sigh:)

Morgan Freeman has the best lines (of the movie) so far. His character is awesome!

Christian Slater just dropped in and I feel he's going to be a definite asset to the movie. (I mean, what's a romance without good looking side characters? ;) ;) :P)

Made a batch of oatmeal raison cookies today. Added a tad more cinnamon the "suggested" and threw in some ground cloves and nutmeg. (Nutmeg runs  high on my list of favorite spices- I'll seriously add it to just about anything… Believe it or not make excellent addition to mashed potatoes when added in the right amount. …And now this nutmeg tangent is over.)

So, ladies. You know "those days" when you would have no issue just eating like an ENTIRE batch of cookie dough/brownie batter in one go, the heck with the oven/baking concept?

Yep, one of those. (Blah.)

I didn't think I had the strength of will to resist, so my oatmeal raison cookies became oatmeal raison bars so I could just throw the whole temptation in the over (where it belonged) and gave the bowl to my mom.

Good thing I didn't go with the brownies (original plan) or nothing would have made it to the oven. ;) ;)

My mom and I spent some time "brainstorming"/window shopping online for my aunt's wedding today. (Calculating probably LA temperature for 11:00 AM Thanksgiving wedding compared to weather here is WEIRD- I've obviously been up north too long, lol!)

My aunt's going with a pretty fall color scheme (reds, golds, oranges) with pear/berry accents.

I look good in red (flashbacks to freshman year Homecoming, anyone?) but how red is too red for a morning wedding? Anybody know?

My fav (best?) color, blue, is still in the running, since we saw several good options in iced blue to some mid tone shades.

I'd forgotten how much I loved Jessica McClintock until we were browsing e-Bay earlier. I swear, everything she does is gorgeous!

I'm on my, I think, third time through Anna Nalick's first CD today. I mean, the music's good to just LISTEN to (in a paying attention sense), but it makes great background/soundtrack type music, also. (Fallen asleep to a it a few times.) Ironically, the only track I don't like is the only on playing on the radio- but that's more because I can't figure out if there's a vague abortion clinic visit reference in the first lyrics than music quality type call. Am I crazy, or has anyone else heard this?

In closing on my long ramble about today, I was really looking forward to hearing Laura Ingraham today (since I wasn't working) but the darn station wouldn't come in! (Figures- on day in a month I actually have TIME to listen and nothing doing! *^%**&%*&%*& radio!!!!!)

Leads me to new closing thought- Ann Coulter's apparently re-releasing How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) with new columns/other goodies in it and this is the official first thing to make the Christmas wish list for this year, lol! J (I mean, my dad got me the first addition on my birthday months ago- and I've reread it/highlighted the poor book to death multiple times- but… Yum! Ann Coulter goodness continues!)


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