Mild reflections....
Originally, there was much aggravation and pacing- and I did need to read my Bible/pray hard for an hour before I was able to fall asleep Tuesday night... Er, Wednesday morning.
There are a LOT of stupid, short sighted people in my state. (I mean, what part of 'raising the minimum wage = less people getting hired/the ones that already have jobs get fired' is HARD to understand??? I had that one down before I was legally old enough to hold a job.)
And just thinking about Brown and future governor :gags: Strickly-sin still makes me sick to my stomach. Thank God that we still have a majority in the state supreme congress, right?
…And, to get back to the moving on…
I went into work Weds. morning not my usually smiley self, and one of my coworkers (known as C. for the rest of this story) asked me what was wrong.
I launched into a short (venom filled) response about idiotic… Words I shouldn’t have used at work… people electing pro baby-killing, pro-homosexual, pro-large government... people… to office.
(One of my other coworkers- who I didn’t think much of to start out with- jutted in that she was one of the idiots… And I decided let that lie and not agree with S. calling herself an idiot. …Aren’t you proud of me, Maggie?)
Anyways, C. spent time talking to me about how this was all part of God’s plan and he allowed this to happen for a reason. (Since he sees things in His time and not ours, etc, that I needed to be reminded of- since I was getting hung up on the whole babies getting forks stuck into their heads and their brains vacuumed out part.)
I had no idea she was religious at all going into this, and (although C. comes from a much different breed of Christian background and goes to an equally different kind church then I do) she was really the first person who made me feel ok about this election.
It’s just... I was in elementary school the last time Republicans didn’t control congress. It feels weird, you know? I barely remember the before.
(Only before politically I remember was crying when that man was elected. And I was like freakin’ seven, eight years old at that point! …I was right, of course, but still…)
However, there will bigger and better things for Michael Steele, Kenneth Blackwell, and Rick Santorum. (Also, J.C. Watts- I admire the fact that he took time off the attend parent-teacher nights and little league games, but we need him back and swinging!)
Down with the RINO's (esp McCain) and onward from here!
Linked to George Will’s piece from Laura’s website. Interesting read. (And I learned that $2.6 billion is spent on chocolate every two months in American. …Which is slightly ridiculous, but there it is.)
Wish I had had time to listen to more talk radio during the day yesterday, but I found an excellent religious political personality the last two nights I really enjoyed listening to. Name slips my mind, though… (Maggie, 1220 around 9 to 11?)
Go read Maggie’s new column and send her comments!
Also… and completely unrelated… Good for Britney that she finally got her act together, huh? Now K-Fed can GO AWAY. ;)
At Monday, November 13, 2006 9:33:00 AM,
Edmund Schrag said…
" is important to remember that God is in charge. He is surely even more upset than we are about the deaths of millions of innocent children in the womb, but He allows setbacks and difficulties for His own reasons."
Quite astute, Maggie! I'm sure Alexis de Tocqueville would be more than happy to expand upon that idea.
Regarding the Dems for Life, it strikes me as parallel to the idea that it can only be the Muslims themselves that ultimately have the power to save themselves from either the domination by violent Islamicists or their destruction at the hands of the free West. Likewise, the Democrat party will either completely self-destruct, or, God-forbid, their leftism prevails and the fall of America destroys them nonetheless...or the conservatives within their party turns things around in miraculous fashion to make the GOP the left side of the debate, which would be just plain weird.
At Monday, November 13, 2006 9:49:00 PM,
Sebosmile said…
And as I dislike all bran tasting cereals... And I dislike S... Even better comparison! ;)
Holy Spirit... Voice in my head that sounds like you... Same dif? Lol! ;) ;)
At Monday, November 13, 2006 9:50:00 PM,
Sebosmile said…
Also that's so far off the charts/more then mildly twilight-zone-y insane, that may just top weird, Sam! (But only by a teeny, tiny bit the size of Montana, lol!)
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