Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Faith, The Force and 'Star Wars'

Betsy, I'm pretty sure this relates back the absolutist point you had in the van after the movie over the weekend... Let me know what you think...

(Anglican website my mom turned me on to when we were looking up Arch Bishop Eyebrows earlier...)

Click here: VirtueOnline-News - Columnists - Faith, The Force and 'Star Wars' - by Terry Mattingly

add on

And yes, I recognize that the French shot down this "constitution" because it wasn't Socialist enough :gag: but anything Chirac doesn't like... I'm for, lol. :P

...Also, kinda grossed out by the (as El Rushbo put it) "the media orgy" over the Deep Throat supposedly coming forth I'm attempting to ignore. Acting like the guy's some big hero because he illegally gave government information to journalists. Kinda disappointing because the guy was supposed to kick it before we figured out who he was-which would have left some of the "mystery" to all this.

Poor "All the President's Men" "journalists"... Their thunder has been stolen! I'd feel bad... Except, no. ;)

In response...

Got this post from someone who apparently didn't have the guts to sign even a fake online name with their posting... I mean, if you believe something, have the guts to say YOU'RE the one believing it, you know? (However, they were polite and you don't get that enough anymore, so thanks for that, lol.)

excuse me, but why do you think that's a good thing they voted for 'no' "

OK, I (not being French-thank God!- or a member of a European country thinking about using this constitution) obviously, I don't know ALL the details.

However, I have a deep disdain verging-on-hatred for Chirac (God damn, back-stabbing Socialist traitor, etc...), and if people in his country are voting so unanimously against something he was for... It's gotta be good in my mind, lol.

The entire concept of most a continent a joined together in a "world democracy" creepy thing wigs me out. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay to socialist/communist/Marxist/'It Takes a Village' for me. :shudder:

Monday, May 30, 2005

'Breakfast Club' Cast to Reunite on MTV

Hate MTV, but yay! Breakfast Club! Gotta love cheesy 80's teenage movies, lol. ;)

Yellowcard doing the theme song is an odd choice, though... I mean, they're ok, but they do a different kind of music, you know?

Click here: AOL News - 'Breakfast Club' Cast to Reunite on MTV

From Jenna's Ex to a Presidential Jeeves

"Mr. Hagin compares Mr. Gottesman to Radar O'Reilly, the clerk in the movie and television series "M.A.S.H." [and who Big Bird's teddy bear on Sesame Street was named after, BTW... I know off random facts, lol] who knew what the colonel was going to say before he said it.

"He anticipates and thinks three or four steps ahead of everyone else," said Mr. Hagin, who was the personal aide to George H. W. Bush when Mr. Bush was vice president.

Oh, that's so cute! I LOVED Radar! :) (And M.A.S.H.- shame I can't ever find the reruns on TV anymore, you know?)

The tone of the article's a bit unfriendly (considering the source, who's surprised?) but it's a nice, happy little fluff story, lol. ;)

Click here: AOL News - From Jenna's Ex to a Presidential Jeeves



* * * Over 40 million American citizens have fought to secure and defend our country since its inception in the 18th century, and over 1.2 million people have died in the service of this country since its beginning. * * *

Kind of makes you stop and think, doesn't it?

* * * There are currently 140,000 American men and women defending the lives and freedom of not only Americans, but also millions of Iraqis on the ground in Iraq and millions more in Afghanistan this Memorial Day. * * *

So while we're watching the parades and enjoying picnics with our loved ones this weekend, remember our best and bravest who put our lives before theirs and aren't home with their loved ones to celebrate.

And when you're throwing those steaks and burgers on the grill, take a few minutes to think about WHY we honor this day.

Be proud today because you ARE an American.



Sunday, May 29, 2005

Brainwashed : How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth

University Of Destruction: Your Game Plan For Spiritual Victory on Campus

Oooooooooooooh, wanna read this!
"The statistic is staggering: As many as 50 percent of Christian students say they have lost their faith after four years in college. For far too many students, the transition from home life to campus life is traumatic--what begins as a University of Instruction often ends up being a University of Destruction...with long-lasting negative effects and no guarantee of return. "
Probably explains that one "imbred intellegence" thing we were talking about the other day Bets, you know? ;)

WWI Veteran, 103, Celebrates Memorial Day

Check out French massively reject EU constitution: exit polls - Yahoo! News

Naw, I'm so proud of all the French people! Maybe it IS only thier government I hate after all...

Sex Offenders Get Medicaid-Paid Viagra

Well, here's another one of those things you read in the news that makes you sick.

Argh, they messed up my letter!

Dude, they CHANGED my editorial when they printed it! :screams:
They messed up my ending, which was really rather witty if people had been at meetings AT ALL all these months and all the "I think" and "I believe" inserts TOTALLY dumb down what I was saying!!!
:further ranting:
On the other hand, I have been published and several parents came up to my mom at the high school last night and said they liked it.
So it could be worse.
Still disapointed, though, you know?

Welllllllllllllllll... DUH!!!

"Death penalty opponents hope the proposal reduces the number of executions in Texas. They have argued that prosecutors use the prospect that a killer will someday be back out on the streets to scare juries into issuing more death sentences."
No. Really? The odds ARE that a harden criminal type murderer/rapist person will strike AGAIN if released?? No. Way.
Gotta love the people that think that Texas prosecutors SHOULDN'T point out the OBVIOUS t jurors in these cases... Love 'em so much you hug them HARD around the neck... I mean... Just kidding. ;)
Sorry girls, you know where I stand on this, I know where you are, and we can share a cooler between the opposing picket lines on this issue some day. ;) ;)

10 Reasons Most Liberals Aren't Rational... But here's one that is

(Actually, that's a 10 Ten for another time, lol.)
Surprisingly, the Drudge Report has found a rational, semi-clear thinking liberal at a universtiy in Oregon... Yes, I know. I was shocked too! ;)
Interesting "other side" type read, but I gotta admit I love this posted response to the article A LOT better! :)
"Here's another reason....because in this country we do not assassinate politicians we disagree with. We vote for the candidate we DO agree with. In this country the majority wins and if your candidate does not win, its because most voters did not agree with the policy positions of your candidate. Its then your job to convince voters that you are right and they are wrong. Unlike some countries, we do not have self appointed leaders who impose their unwanted barbarian will on our citizens. If we did, they would not be in office the next time an election is held. Yet from listening to the left among us, you would think that President Bush is worse than Saddam Hussein or Kim Jong Il of North Korea. Clueless is as clueless does.

Tax Accountant

Yay Mark!

Exhausted Clinton Cancels Tour of Maldives

Oh, the poor dear. :fake tears:
Oh, well. At least he'll be out of the news! (Probably back in his lie-brary in AK...)

Saturday, May 28, 2005


Um, don't click this if you REALLY don't wanna know before the books come out, lol. But two apparenly fair possible rumors... ;)

Airport screeners could see X-rated X-rays

Uagh, freak me out here. Glad I don't have to fly anywhere for awhile... This doesn't make me happy. :gags:

First-Ever Seattle Heat Warning Issued

Well now, is this one of those sign that the world is ending? Or... GASP! This mysterious "global warming" we've been hearing about for YEARS and there is no conclusive PROOF is happening??

10 Things I’ve Never Done

And now for something completely different.


10 Things I’ve Never Done

  1. Walked on Mars

  2. Found a cure for my mother's obsessive compulsive cleaning disorder

  3. Driven a red Mustang on the big island in Hawaii... But I was in the backseat while my grandfather was. ;)

  4. Counted from 5,000,000 backwards to zero

  5. Thought that affirmative action does anything BESIDES hurt the people it's supposed to be helping.

  6. Left the country... Except to go to Canada once, and that probably shouldn't count, lol.

  7. Had a conversation that didn't involved politics in some sense with Betsy or Maggie in the last year. (Lol!)

  8. Understood WHY people eat brussels sprouts, fish or califlower.

  9. Taken over a small country

  10. Voted for a Democrat... Though after how Voin-a-bitch has been behaving, I'm thinking that might have been a BETTER idea at the moment... I'm SO ashamed!!

Chinese-Americans Angered by Corpse Show - Yahoo! News

Personally, I find plastination interesting (also got a mummy fascination, probably explains it) but if this is against Chinese culture/beliefs in a big way, some artsy-fartsy person at the museum SHOULD have caught on to this before now, right??


I'd agree with this, but taking over France wouldn't really be worth the effort, lol. ;) ;)

Golden Truth of the Day...

Friday, May 27, 2005


Click here: - Health - FDA Probing Viagra Blindness Side Effect


Shame on me.

FDA Probing Viagra Blindness Side Effect

Click here: - Health - FDA Probing Viagra Blindness Side Effect

Well, this certainly is funny, but it is ironic, considering parents used to tell their teenage boys don't do you-know-what or you'll go blind, you know?

A welcome and a reminder...

Hey, just so you girls know, you're officially NOT the only people reading my blog anymore- we have a representative from Ireland (which I will honor by writing in green, lol) who will be reading our rantings on here periodically from now on. ;) ;)

Ya'll remember hearing about Owen, even if I'm not certain you actually ever met, lol.

Owen, feel free to comment, even if it's an "what the Hell are you crazy Americans talking about?" from time to time, lol. I enjoy all my comments, ya know?

Oh, and Betsy, concerning the following email you sent to me at God awful early this morning... (Or maybe it wasn't EARLY to you, persay, since you hadn't gone to bed?)

"it is 2:07 am. let us parachute into a midwestern highschool football field and begin the invasion, girlies. neocon facists disguised as pinkos forever! yipee! if we convince the hippies we are on their side, they will gather in one place and we can mow them down. this is an excellent plot i've stolen from Joseph Stalin, who is no doubt spinning in his glass coffin in Moscow or whereevers."

I would be completely behind any and all plots you come up with, if I understood EXACTLY what you wanted us to do... Because I'm not gonna lie, this one confuses even me. Perhaps if I was also sleep deprived and had consumed a lot of veggie dip and Vanilla Coke... But maybe not even then, lol.

Love ya babes! ;) ;) :P

Yay, Star Wars with my girlies in two hours and counting! Let us mock the blatant Bush bashing/horrible dialog and enjoy the last Star Wars movie in the history of even! (I'm an Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi girl myself... Gotta love young, yummy Harrison Ford!)

Oh, and if you fall asleep during the movie Bets, Maggie and I reserve the right to scribble on you in permanent marker, etc., etc.


But of course I wouldn't REALLY do anything like that to you!


I swear, stop looking at me like that, lol.

Oh, and on a more serious note, its Memorial Day Weekend this weekend and I just wanted to take a moment starting today to mention our fallen heroes in all of the conflicts America has been involved in from the very beginning in all the different sections of our military and beyond. 

Playlist for this weekend includes (but is not limited to) these more modern classics:

American Soldier - Toby Keith
Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning - Alan Jackson
POW 396 - Darryl Worley
Only in America - Brooks and Dunn
Have Your Forgotten? - Darryl Worley
The Taliban Song - Toby Keith
God Bless the USA - Lee Greenwood
I Will Hold My Ground - Darryl Worley
Courtesy of the Red, White & Blue (The Angry American) - Toby Keith
Shiloh - Darryl Worley

Plus all of the classics, listen in the back our hymnal in church.

God Bless America!!!!

(From sea to shining sea...)

Thursday, May 26, 2005


"But Nicholas Chaney (search) told WWNY-TV in Watertown Tuesday that he may have cared for as many as 50 foster children since late 2001 and even adopted a child while living in upstate New York. Chaney said he listed his felony sex crime conviction on his foster parent application form when he signed up in November 2001."

Excuse ME but how the :blogger bleeps out so not to offend anyone's eyes: does this happen??? :freaks out:

Click here: - U.S. & World - Rapist Became Foster Parent in New York

Colin Powell Vying to Buy D.C. Baseball Team

Dude, Betsy! The Collin could own your city's team! Much coolness! :) ('Cause there's nothing I love more in the summer then a good game of baseball (other then the 4th of July), because my skin resists all forms of tanning, lol.)

Click here: - Business - Colin Powell Vying to Buy D.C. Baseball Team

Roll Call: Bolton Cloture Vote

DeWine (R) Yes; Voinovich (R) Yes.

:looks shocked: After all the noise Voin-a-bitch has made about Bolton the last week... Apparently enough Ohio GOP peeps called in a read him the riot act the last 72 hours, lol.

Did you hear/see those tapes of him like CRYING in the Senate today? I'm so ashamed I voted for that miserable little :bleeped for content by blogger:

New York
Clinton (D) No; Schumer (D) No.

Kinda funny to notice who's intentionally staying OUT of the lime light on this entire nomination issue, ain't it? Madame Hillary... Can't wait to get my hands on that new book about her when it comes out, too!

Click here: - Politics - <b>Roll Call:</b> Bolton Cloture Vote

O'Reilly on 'Amnesty International Declare War of the USA'

Me and O'Reilly have our policy differences, but he hit is out of the park with the item points on this one... Seriously, shouldn't have THIS been the most ridiculous item of the day?? ;)

Worth reading all of, so I'm going to shamelessly plug the link here, lol.


In a shocking display of belligerence, the human rights organization is accusing the USA of committing illegal acts and is actually threatening American leaders. A statement by Amnesty boss William Shultz says, "Amnesty International (search) calls on foreign governments to uphold their obligations under international law by investigating all senior U.S. officials involved in the torture scandal...The apparent high-level architects of torture should think twice before planning their next vacation to places like Acapulco or the French Riveria because they may find themselves under arrest as Augusto Pinochet (search) famously did in London in 1998."

Wow, what a threat. Can you believe it?

Well, I know I'm shaking in my shoes.

From the get-go, Amnesty International objected to the Bush administration's aggressive response to 9/11 and went ballistic over the Iraq War. There's no question that A.I. is a far left outfit, but now it has become an openly hostile to the USA on the terror issue.

• Item: Amnesty International has been soft on Saddam Hussein, saying it does not support or oppose regime change in any part of the world.

Yes, leaving the evil people IN power will do MUCH good things for the world!

• Item: Amnesty International's executive director, Mr. Schultz, was on the board of Planned Parenthood (search) and the People for the American Way (search), two very far left organizations.

Wow, so that guy couldn't be MORE out to lunch on life in general, etc. I think I would be forced to commit homicide if trapped in an elevator with him...

• Item, Amnesty Secretary General Irene Kahn says "Guantanamo has become the gulag of our times."

Look! A word straight from the mainstream media handbook, reserved for berating ANYTHING Republicans get accomplished!

• Item, A.I. says it considers U.S. Army deserter Jeremy Hinzman (search) to be a legitimate conscientious objector, even though
Canadian authorities have denied him political asylum.

And if even the Canadians won't give you asylum, you KNOW it's bad. (Though I didn't know they had the backbone to turn people down before this...)

• And the final item, Amnesty International has listed the USA as one of the worst human rights violators in the world, along with Sudan, Zimbabwe, and Haiti.

That's so off base, it's almost funny.


Oh, wait, no. Can a tree fall on these guys when they're out hugging them or SOMETHING, please???

... :article continues: ...

Amnesty International, the International Red Cross and various anti-Bush media should just be up front about it. Tell the folks why you oppose the terror war and what you would do to protect Americans instead.

But let's stop the nonsense. Amnesty International isn't an objective human rights group. It's a far left outfit that sympathizes with people who kill Americans. That's what it is. The evidence is irrefutable.

Boo-Yah O'Reilly!

Click here: - The O'Reilly Factor - Talking Points - Amnesty International Declares War on the USA

Ohio Official Questioned on Missing Rare C

OK, seriously. What the HELL is up with all the GOP Ohioians right now?? First Voin-o-bitch, then De-Whine and now, this! Gah!

Click here: - Politics - Ohio Official Questioned on Missing Rare Coins

To ignore, or not to ignore... This is the question...

On signs from above:

"God will figure it out." - Sen. John ["I'm a good Catholic"] Kerry (D, MA), on whether to run again for the Presidency, quoted in The Boston Globe

Rush speak, from the Limbaugh Letter, February 2005 issue: Yeah-but will you listen to him this time?

Me: Amen! ;) ;)

LA Times Threatens O'Reilly with Secret Service

OK. O'Reilly's been annoying me for a while now (so I watch HGTV/Food Network at 11 if my mom isn't making me suffer through Hardboiled), but he's in the right spot on this...

LA Times Threatens O'Reilly with Secret Service

"The Los Angeles Times is slamming Bill O'Reilly – for slamming the Los Angeles Times.

The newspaper has warned the "telephilosopher” to stop his "decapitation fantasies” involving Times editorial page editor Michael Kinsley – or face trouble from the Secret Service..."

And then the clincher...

"It seems the paper has difficulty distinguishing between a threat and a "fantasy.” And when it comes to actual threats against its employees, the paper may want to check with its lawyers on whom to contact. The Secret Service deals with threats against the President and Vice President, not editorial writers."

Click here: Inside Cover Story

Coke to Relaunch Fresca With New Flavors

Click here: - Business - Coke to Relaunch Fresca With New Flavors

Yum, I like Fresca! ...Didn't realize it was GONE at any point, though...

Not really a clear coke person, ya know? More of a Dr. Pepper, 'nilla Coke, etc...

Feel free to ignore this posting, not like it's actually important, lol.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Did you know?

Did you know?

There are 12 million sheep in Wales and only 3 million people... The sheep could literally take OVER the country without even trying if they wanted to... Someone in Hollywood should make a horror movie about this.

Wales also has the longest town name in the world, for all of you who can pronounce their "normal" town names of Llamberis, Dolgellau, and Blaenau Ffestiniog.



Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllandysiliogogogoch! :trips on tongue:

Harold Ford Officially Enters '06 Senate R

Click here: - Politics - Harold Ford Officially Enters '06 Senate Race

NOOOOOOOOOOO! We can't lose Frist!!! Why is this happening?? Who gave him permission to retire? He's like the only one we've got left with any shred of a backbone!

Embryonic Stem Cell Bill Moves to Senate

Click here: - Politics - Embryonic Stem Cell Bill Moves to Senate

"In the life of men and nations some mistakes you can't undo," DeLay said as he closed the House debate. "If we afford the little embryo any shred of respect and dignity we cannot in good faith use taxpayer dollars to destroy them."

Kudos to Delay, Santorum, and Bush!

House Rejects Limits on Women in Combat

Click here: - Politics - House Rejects Limits on Women in Combat

Well, quiet honestly, I'm disappointed that Republicans backed down AGAIN on something important this week. At least Sen. McMaverick doesn't have his sticky little fingers all over this one, huh? :sigh:

MoveOn and Chuck Schumer Go "Star Wars" Wacky

Found this on a email... I need to see this movie, lol.

MoveOn and Chuck Schumer Go "Star Wars" Wacky

With "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" merchandise turning up in the form of snacks, toys, T-shirts and nasal sprays, it's understandable that everybody wants to get into the act.

While leftist advocacy group MoveOn posted an ad with a "Star Wars" theme, Dem senators made lame attempts to launch their own "Star Wars"-style digs.

MoveOn evidently got tired of morphing Bush into Hitler and decided to turn Sen. Bill Frist into "Star Wars"'s evil Chancellor Palpatine instead.

MoveOn PAC recently came out with an ad entitled "Save the Republic." The Web site indicated that "weirdly enough, the plot [of "Revenge of the Sith"] revolves around a scheming senator who, seduced by visions of absolute power, transforms a democratic republic into an empire."

Also on the Web site was the suggestion that this presented a "great opportunity to educate the public -- and have some fun."

In addition to the ad, MoveOn has been distributing flyers to moviegoers who are waiting in line at multiplexes.

Calling the flyer "Senate Wars: Revenge of the Frist," the group warns readers of the following: "Don't Let Them Seize Absolute Power, Stop the ‘Nuclear Option.'"

Chuck Schumer apparently wanted to demonstrate that he's hip to George Lucas's flicks, too. The New York senator told the Washington Post that Democrats are the "Jedi knights" in the struggle against the Republicans as they try to stop the use of the so-called nuclear option.

After dubbing himself a "Jedi," in a blatant appeal to "Star Wars" geeks, Schumer said, "We have the light source." (One would imagine Schumer actually meant to say "light saber," or perhaps that he and his cohorts were on the "light side of The Force.")

The Left Coast Report asks the same question as Sen. Frist's spokesman: "Would that make Howard Dean Jar Jar Binks?"

And in more local news...

And now, for the rest of the story. Argh, Paul Harvey-ness! Make it stop!

...Anyways, bit of an update from late last week concerning the "high school principal" (since he doesn't have a name in school board meetings, don't you know) situation going on here.

I didn't see the interview, but my mom happened to be entering our neighborhood while the Channel 19 trucks were there causing further incorrect drama. I swear, I know they're a little local news thing, but you'd THINK they'd be able to get SOMETHING right with their 30 second story, you know?

At least SOMEONE'S interviewing the SOS (Save Our Schools) parents, though. The Hub's pretty much ignoring the fact that they exist... School Board must be pushing them...

So, all of this was from an SOS email that got sent around late last week.

Last week Channel 19 came to town and interviewed the community about the upcoming graduation. There was a lot of reaction again, to this interview. Attached is a transcript pulled from the interview, a reactionary letter sent by Marianne to all personnel in the school system and a reaction sent to Marianne by one of the parents interviewed.  Here is what transpired:

CHANNEL 19 NEWS REPORT - May 17, 2005

ANCHOR:  Back in March, Hudson High School students staged a walkout over the firing of their principal Roger Howard.  Now they're talking more trouble at the school's graduation.

Linda Passariello has the story.

REPORTER (LINDA PASSARIELLO):  It's much quieter in Hudson these days.  No pepper spray, no protests, only an anonymous letter pleading for an uneventful graduation.  

PAUL BUKLAD (Senior Parent):  There's going to be some situations that present themselves where people are going to be vocal.  Graduation is a vocal ceremony, anyway.

REPORTER (LINDA PASSARIELLO):  These parents are part of the S.O.S. Coalition, a group supporting embattled principal Roger Howard.  They say they are not behind the letter and don't want to see any graduation disruptions.  That's why they suggested the school board skip the ceremony.

RAYMOND LEE (Senior Parent):  Emotions have been pretty high for the last 60 days and we feel that the less visible or the lower the profile the better.

PAUL BUKLAD (Senior Parent):  I don't think they're going to be very well received and that's one of the reasons why we asked them not to come down.  We feel that they are polarizing the community and they could be a target.

REPORTER (LINDA PASSARIELLO):  The 400-plus graduates can expect strict rules, plenty of security, and a warning to leave the politics at home.

SHERYL SHEATZLEY (Hudson City School Districts Communications):  We would like to ask our students and parents to honor how dignified their ceremony is and it really is a celebration of student accomplishments.

REPORTER (LINDA PASSARIELLO):  Basically, school officials are telling students, 'Save the drama for theatre class.' 

Linda Passariello, 19 News.

And so, obviously, the only logical stand for Maryann Wala-what? to take is to... That's it! Blame the parents who are supporting Mr. Howard and demand she step down for the people (unassociated with them!) who might OR MIGHT NOT cause a scene at graduation! Since, of course, she has done NOTHING wrong and had NO fault in ANY of this!

:wipes sarcasm drips off the screen:

Maryann's letter to the school community

       Good Afternoon:

       In order to keep you informed of events impacting our district, I have decided to update you on events that occurred yesterday.  Channel 19 contacted us about our upcoming graduation for a statement.  The Board of Education members, high school administration, teachers working on the graduation ceremony, representative seniors and I have been working through steps to keep graduation dignified, memorable and special for our seniors and their families.

       In addition, our Board of Education has agreed to have the high school principal hand out diplomas. Traditionally, the Board president has done this. The Board was recognized for their efforts by parents at the May 16, BOE meeting.
       After meeting with our communications manager for a statement, Channel 19 went to the high school, around dismissal time, where two parents were waiting for Channel 19 with a prepared statement.  These two parents stated that they did not want the superintendent and Board of Education to come to graduation.

       Ignoring the positive information given to them about graduation, Channel 19 aired a sensational story about our upcoming graduation on their nightly news broadcast, once again, presenting our district in negative light.

OK, seriously, cue the "Why'd you lie to me?" music from the Laura Ingram show... And take it away Mr. Lee! (He spoke at the last school board meeting, and, seriously, he was great.)

Ray's letter sent to Maryann


I have been made aware of some misinformation that you have given faculty and staff about the recent broadcast from Channel 19 news.

First of all, I was one of the two parents who were interviewed.  We did not have a prepared statement nor were we waiting for the reporter at the school.  Like I really have time to hang around stalking a reporter! Channel 19 News called some parents and one of the parents called me and asked if I would speak on camera.  I initially declined, but Channel 19 offered to meet us "anywhere and anytime."  I later agreed to be on camera and meet at First and Main so it would be convenient for others so Channel 19 would have more of an opportunity to meet with other parents.

The focus on the report was on the letter sent to parents re: graduation last week.  I explained that I was not speaking on behalf of any organization, including SOS, and the reporter stated that was fine and she wanted to get my opinion as a concerned parent. 

I was interviewed for 5 minutes and discussed a whole range of issues. I stated since Roger Howard was handing out the diplomas, I supported the withdrawal of the petition asking the board and the superintendent not to attend the graduation.  I also stated, however, that while I respect the right for the superintendent and the board to attend the graduation, I suggested that the less visible and lower the profile that you and the board take, the better.  That was clear in the broadcast.

I did not state for the superintendent and the board not to attend graduation, and quite frankly, Paul Buklad's statement was taken out of context in that he stated the original intention of the petition for the superintendent and the board not to attend the graduation was to avoid any possible confrontation. 

While I and many parents and students who are involved in SOS have no intention of disrupting graduation, that does not mean that a significant number of people that are not part of SOS won't.  It would be naive for you to think otherwise.  Even if we had control of the actions of 2000 people, which would be a stretch, there is 1000 that we do not have control over.

We already have been told by others outside of the group that we were not aggressive enough, and quite frankly, did not join us originally because we were being too soft and they sought their own agenda.  We do not control those people.  I have not heard of anyone involved with SOS in recent meetings that SOS was going to disrupt graduation, but it would also be naive for us to think nothing will happen.

As to the negative light the district has been put in; don't blame others for what you have created.  The misinformation you sent to the faculty and staff about our role in the newscast and how it evolved is another example among many of how you have distorted actual events, as we have heard from other faculty and staff.  You have left me no choice to share my rebuttal with others.  You would have been better off to let this issue go, but by campaigning and continuing to cast us and others in a negative light, it causes everyone to be more hardened in their positions.

Raymond Lee

And now I'm off to stew about this, the RINOs, and the general screwiness of politics this week while I do yard work. Look out weeds! I am here to rip you out by your roots!

Embryonic Stem Cell Bill Moves to Senate

Click here: - Politics - Embryonic Stem Cell Bill Moves to Senate

Yay for the veto and a president who isn't ruled by the opinions of the mainstream media!!!

GOP Senator: Vote Against Bolton

Click here: - Politics - GOP Senator: Vote Against Bolton

Raise your hand if you're ashamed you voted for this idiot in the fall...

:raises BOTH hands:

Senate Votes to End Debate on Owen

Click here: - Politics - Senate Votes to End Debate on Owen

Will someone PLEASE stuff the RINO senators from Ohio in a closet so we can get this done?

Congress Passes Two Stem Cell Research bills

From my email... Couldn't agree more!!!

Congress Passes Two Stem Cell Research bills

Today the House passed H.R. 810, the life-killing Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005 that authorizes taxpayer's funds to be
spent on the intentional destruction of human embryos.

The measure, which passed 238-194, will now go to the U.S. Senate.
President Bush has pledged to veto this legislation. In a statement earlier today the Administration stated,

"The President strongly supports medical research, and worked with Congress to dramatically increase resources for the National Institutes of Health. 
However, this bill would support and encourage a line of research that requires the intentional destruction of living human embryos for the derivation of their cells.  Destroying nascent human life for research raises serious ethical problems, and many millions of Americans consider the practice immoral."

The House of Representatives also overwhelmingly passed
H.R. 2520, the Smith Stem Cell Research and Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005, that funds promising Adult Stem Cell Research. H.R. 2520 is a new federally funded stem cell research program for the scientifically sound collection and inventory of umbilical cord blood.

This promising research that has already shown to have the potential to treat debilitating conditions such as spinal cord injuries, Parkinson's, Diabetes and heart disease. Thousands of patients have been successfully treated with cord blood stem cells for many diseases including Leukemia and Sickle Cell Anemia. More federal funds will make these treatments available to thousands more Americans and will enable crucial research on this source of stem cells to continue.

Most important is that this research does not create human embryos in order to kill them.

The facts still remain, the benefits of research that kills living human embryos is purely speculative and has been hyped by researchers who are after federal funding and by a media that doesn't understand or report the difference between adult and embryonic stem cells.

Thank you for contacting your member of Congress on these important pieces of legislation. We will continue to keep you informed as both of these bills head to the U.S. Senate for a vote.

Thank you for fighting the battle to protect innocent human life.


Jennifer Bingham
Executive Director
Susan B. Anthony List


This inscription was reportedly discovered on an old stone sentry box on the island of Gibraltar. Nations last when citizens remember the important things in times of difficulty and times of ease.


God and the soldier
All men adore
In times of trouble,
And no more;
For when war is over
And all things righted,
God is neglected-
The old soldier slighted.

-excerpt from "The Moral Compass, A Companion to the Book of Virtues,"
edited, with commentary, by William J. Bennett

My 13-year-old brother had to bring in a poem for English yesterday… And I figured this would piss of his uber-liberal English teacher (who's one of the ones that keeps telling them that they have to have district testing because of No Child Left Behind, and thus is DIRECTLY President Bush's fault. :throws tomatoes:) so I convinced him to bring this one- which wasn't hard, because that meant he didn't have to put the effort into finding his own poem, lol. ;)

On how the far left truly views all religion:

On how the far left truly views all religion:

"Yes, we are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion. I do believe that. I think religion stops people from thinking. I think it justifies crazies. I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder." -Bill Maher, on MSNBC's "Scarborough Country"

Rush speak, from the Limbaugh Letter, March 2005 issue: You forgot "opiate of the people."


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Senate Votes to End Debate on Owen

Click here: - Politics - Senate Votes to End Debate on Owen

"The agreement signed by 14 senators said future judicial nominees should "only be filibustered under extraordinary circumstances," with each Democratic senator holding the discretion to decide when those conditions had been met."

And would someone in this group of 14 slimeballs and lunatics like to define WHAT EXACTLY are "extraordinary circumstances" for me, please? I mean, since it's obviously not judges that burn flags... Must be those psychotic ones that think minors need parental permission to terminate pregnancies or something way out of the "main stream" like that. (Please not drippage of sarcasm.)

"Republicans said they would oppose any attempt to make changes in the application of filibuster rules.

"I don't like it. I think we should have an up-or-down vote on all of these fine individuals," Hutchison, R-Texas, told FOX News. "I do think, however, that it's not over. I do think there will be a chance some of these others [nominees] will be in that same position ... it's good news for three people who have waited patiently and who have not been treated well but it's not a principled decision … Democrats need to keep their word."

Wow, just when I thought good ol' Kay had fallen off the deep end lately, she does something good! You get 'em girl! Show 'em what Texans are made of!!!

..Bit naive, though, on the last bit...

"But Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist on Tuesday said the so-called "nuclear option" is by no means history if the "routine obstruction" he says has characterized the Democrats' behavior in regards to judges in the past few years continues. That option, called the "constitutional option" by Republicans, is what Frist threatened Democrats with in order to halt filibustering of judicial nominees so that the nominees could get an up-or-down vote.

"The constitutional option remains on the table ... I will not hesitate to use it if it's necessary, it will be used as a last resort," Frist vowed."

I'd say sometime around NOW is "last resort" time...

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid responded by saying: "I'm disappointed there's still these threats of the nuclear option, it's gone, let's do the Senate's business."

Personally, I think Frist can take "Dirty Harry"... Now THAT would be an interesting day of getting down to "business" in the Senate... ;) ;)

:cue "Taking Care of Business" TGIF-type song:

House to Vote on Stem Cell Funding Changes

Click here: - Politics - House to Vote on Stem Cell Funding Changes

President Bush has vowed to veto legislation he says would let science destroy life to save life.

Speaking at the White House on Tuesday afternoon, Bush said that grave moral issues are at stake if the federal government agrees to expand umbilical stem cell research.

"I believe America must pursue the tremendous possibilities of science and I believe we can do so while still fostering and encouraging a respect for life in all its stages," Bush said in an East Room event that include 21 "snowflake babies," or children born from "adopted" frozen embryos.

"We must remember that real human lives are involved, both the lives of those with diseases that might find cures from this research and the lives of the embryos that will be destroyed in the process. The children here today are reminders that every human life is a precious gift of matchless value," the president said.

Yay George! You tell those "pro-baby killers" (kudos to Betsy), who work to make sure NONE of those children would be standing there!

I mean, think about how many babies are born in America ALONE every day and how much umbilical blood there is there to use for research. It's insane to say we need to kill babies to perform the SAME research that can be done just as well without causing harm to anyone.

Minus the whole "if stem cell research WAS such a fabulous idea, people from all over the world would pouring money into it ... and they're not" clause no one in the main stream media EVER wants to talk about...

Will the new Sen. Loser-man please stand up?

OK, there's losing your party's primary 5 years ago... And then there's dragging the ENTIRE FUCKING SENATE DOWN JUST TO GET A SHOT BACK AT THE GUY YOU LOST TO! :screams and pulls hair:

I swear, even being a POW will only get you so much forgiveness and leeway in this country. Here's to hoping that the people of Arizona have FINALLY seen the light. (When's Sen. Maverick up for reelection, anyways? Let's move there and vote against him...)

And stay strong Sen. Frist! YOU didn't sign their powergrabbing "compromise"! YOU still have the POWER! You get those judges votes!!!

On liberals and the beginning of life, what to call thinking terminating it is r

This was just ironic considering Dean's comments Sunday night... Do you think the Clinton faction is setting him up to come across even crazier then usual so they can come back and "save" the Democratic party in a few years?

On liberals and the beginning of life, what to call thinking terminating it is right, and the lack of a set group opinion:

"I'm sorry, but when push comes to f---ing shove - not to turn a pun - my belief is that life begins at conception…" -Harold Ickes, Democrat operative, defending a controversial speech by Hillary Clinton in which she advised family planning advocated to find common ground with the anti-abortion movement, quoted in New York Magazine

Rush speak, from the Limbaugh Letter, March 2005 issue: When the feminazis shove back…you'll be singing a different tune, Icky.

Me: Wow, they must have re-programmed him really well for the post-Hillary speech damage control. Would be an interesting spin if he had really meant it, though…

"I don't think we should use 'pro-choice.'" - Howard Dean, telling the DNC the term makes Democrats look too pro-abortion, quoted in the New York Post

Rush speak, from the Limbaugh Letter, March 2005 issue: Right. Because you are pro-abortion.

Me: :smacks Dean:

On a semi-related note:

"We need to brand ourselves better." -Bill Clinton, on Democrats, AP

Rush speak, from the Limbaugh Letter, March 2005 issue: You mean you don't want to be known as the tax-and-spend, big governments, anti-military party of Presidential liars, cheats, and perjurers?

Me: Naw, don't you love little gems like this you can requote over and over again later? ;)

Sunday, May 22, 2005

'Newsweek Dissembled, Muslims Dismembered!'

And it's the ANN COULTER column of the week! Yay! :)
Quote: "How about the media adding to the list of reasons not to run a news item: "Protecting the national interest"? If journalists don't like the ring of that, how about this one: "Protecting ourselves before the American people rise up and lynch us for our relentless anti-American stories.""
:smacks Newsweek around:

One Dead, One Wounded.....Bumper Sticker > Pro-Life Bumper Section

Can we tell what site I'm having fun with today?
Obviously, this isn't funny, but it IS something to think about...

Check out Heathen Left Sticker (Bumper) > Heathen Left > Right Wing Stuff | C

Actually, no, THIS is my personal slogon! :big grin:

Check out "Fuque le French" Bumper Sticker > Fuque le French! > Right Wing St

Or maybe this... I would much enjoy wearing this one and seeing how many people give me strange looks in the street, lol!

Check out Political Correctness Sticker (Bumper) > Misc. & Assorted Section (

Saturday, May 21, 2005

(no subject)

:cracks up: Wow, if you ever think you're having a bad day, imagine a kid that did something like this!

Boy Gets Stuck Inside Vending Machine

ELKHART, Ind. (May 21) - A crane vending machine can be frustrating enough when you're trying to snatch a little stuffed toy from its steely clutches. Imagine if the prize it's denying you is your own 3-year-old son.

James Manges II managed to climb up the chute and inside one of the machines Thursday, swinging around for an hour amid the plush toys he coveted before firefighters freed him.

James' mother, Danielle Manges, said they had paid an early morning visit to a Wal-Mart in this northern Indiana city because he had been sick and was sleeping odd hours. After she denied him money to play the vending-machine game, he threw a juice box and climbed into the machine while his mother picked it up.

"Within two seconds he had climbed through the hole, into the chute and pushed the door shut so we couldn't get him out,'' she said.

At first, Manges thought it was funny: "He was playing with all the toys and hanging from the bar like a monkey.''

She even bought a disposable camera to take pictures, as other shoppers did. But she soon became upset when Wal-Mart employees said they did not have a key to let James out.

Firefighters removed the back of the machine to free James - who went home empty-handed.

"He definitely didn't get a toy after that,'' Manges said.

05/21/05 20:14 EDT

Click here: AOL News - Boy Gets Stuck Inside Vending Machine

On possible psychological scarring and things that perhaps shouldn't be said:

On possible psychological scarring and things that perhaps shouldn't be said:

"We, I think, are pretty much dead in the water." -Ted Kennedy, criticizing globalization, interview with PBS's Charlie Rose

Rush speak, from the Limbaugh Letter, March 2005 issue: An unfortunate choice of words, Senator.

Me: This from the guy who named his dog 'Splash"…

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Husband 1.0

Really funny forward my mom sent me earlier, lol! ;) ;)

Husband 1.0

Dear Tech Support:

Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slowdown in the overall performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as NFL 5.0, NHL 4.3, MLB 3.0, and NBA 3.6.

Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, to no avail. What can I do?


Dear Desperate:

First, keep in mind that Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an Operating System. Try to enter the command: "C:/ITHOUGHTYOULOVEDME" to download Tears 6.2, which should automatically install Guilt 3.0. If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.

Remember, though, that overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0, or Beer 6.1. Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will create Snoring Loudly 10.8. Whatever you do: DO NOT install Mother-in-law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0. In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.

You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 7.7.

Good Luck,
Tech Support Thought of the Day... Thought of the Day...

Lib*er*al: 'li-b(&-)r&l
noun: a person so open-minded their brains have fallen out


On headlines, amusing:

On headlines, amusing:

"Political Divisions Persist After Election" -headline in The Washington Post, Jan. 17

Rush speak, from the Limbaugh Letter, February 2005 issue:  In the journalistic tradition of: "Men, Women Different…Born That Way?"

Me: See the FOX NEWS headline I had up the other day…

"Democrats Tell Bush They Won't Be Lying Down" -AP headline

Rush speak, from the Limbaugh Letter, February 2005 issue: Lying down. Lying up. Lying sideways. Lying out of both sides of their mouths.

Me: Actually, high level Democrats not lying down/having other lie down would be a nice change…

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 thought of the day

And thought of the day is...

"Feminism is the radical concept that feminists are women."


Final FINAL Letter to the Editor concerning the stupidity of the Hudson BOE

My final FINAL Letter to the Editor concerning the stupidity of the Hudson Board of Education (so far, they could always get worse and tick me off enough to write more) stands as thus:

After attending multiple BOE meetings in the this spring, and as a 2003 graduate of HHS that benefited both on a class and individual level from Mr. Howard's leadership, I can honestly say I have never been more frustrated or disappointed with the highest level of administration in the HCSD.

The BOE offers flimsier and flimsier excuses in their attempts to justify their reasoning behind firing Mr. Howard, if they can be brought to comment at all. For over an hour, HHS faculty members and department heads -- many of whom were my teachers and whose knowledge I can personally vouch for -- offered the board support that clearly contradicted the published "problems" Mr. Howard supposedly had at the time of the board's decision and Ms. Wolowiec's evaluations. Unfortunately, the BOE members still apparently lack the courage to step forward and admit that a grievous error has been made that will make our students, educators and community suffer in the future.

Even the best teachers cannot teach as effectively in a negative environment and our students will graduate not having learned as well, or as much, in the future our district is sailing towards. Trust, in this case between staff and administration, will not be easy to rebuild now that it has been broken.

Recently at HMS, in a move that in no way reflects the way the "real world" works, a decision was handed down that students will no longer be rewarded with something as symbolic as a bumper sticker for hard work and good grades. Combined with the actions of the BOE, I can only deduct that the message our district is conveying isn't so much "if you don't do your job, you'll lose your job" but "even if you do your job well, that doesn't matter here."

I, personally, like my other one that was more of the "smack-down" variety, but my mom pointed out that if I was too overtly sarcastic it made me sound "like a moody 17-year-old" and I was less likely to be taken seriously. After MUCH debate, I conceded the point and typed up and sent the above less overtly sarcastic note. ;) ;)

Also, my fifteen-year-old brother would probably rather I didn't send in any letter at all (whoops, too late) because people might deduct we're related and they will think less of him, supposedly. (I don't see the logic, but maybe the age difference factors into that, lol.)

The darn 300 word limit, though... There was seriously so much more I wanted to say! Argh. The writing of the ones that didn't make the final cut was at least therapeutic, if nothing else, lol.

Happy travels to Betsy-of-the-packs-disgusting-early! ;)

Support Our Schools! Rehire Roger Howard!

Marriage = 1 man + 1 woman

Hard to believe it's been a year and a day since activist judges on the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage should be legal in their state, forever changing the meaning of marriage.

And look at how much it's gotten accomplished!

Since then, all 13 constitutional ballot amendments defining marriage as between one man and one woman passed overwhelmingly when voters (who turned out by the MILLIONS) were allowed to choose how marriage should be defined.

Power to the people.

File this away under "D" for "DUH"

(File this away under "D" for "DUH")

Menstrual Cycle May Alter Brain Chemistry This has definitely got to be a gem in the Museum of Stupid headlines-right after "Scientists suspect differences between men, women." And from Fox News! I am so ashamed, lol. ;),2933,156703,00.html