Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Monday, August 29, 2005

Why you lie to me?? Can't be trusted, good for nothing... Dha dah dah!

(Yes, that's right-I've heard the song 15 million times and I can't remember how it goes. Yay, me!)

Lie Of The Day

""I don't like the spotlight. If it goes away, that will be fine. You know, I would like to go back to the grocery store without people recognizing me," claimed Cindy Sheehan, on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher."

If Cindy hates the limelight so much, then why has she spent more time on television in the last few weeks than she has at her mother's bedside?"

Amen to that!

Click here: Laura Ingraham: Lie of the Day

Yes! A SPAM solution!

Maybe everyone else already found this helpful little option... Wouldn't be the first time I'm behind the learning curve on something like this... But, just in case....


Oh, and yay!

Kristi's opening Weds-Friday, so I don't have to be in until 7!!! :)

Book List: Exodus - Why Americans are Fleeing Liberal Churches for Conservative Christianity

Well, I'm like a month behind reading this and posting on it, but, luckily, I wrote down everything I wanted to say in my handy blakc spiral at the time!

Excellent, excellent book! (Not that it reveals any 'shocking' truths we don't already know, lol. But it's good to hear the different opinions from all over the board and how different denominations are affected, etc, etc.)

Exodus: Why Americans are Fleeing Liberal Churches for Conservative Christianity

Quote from somewhere near the middle of the book. ;) Pastor Mark Brewer of Bel Air Presbyterian Church, Mulholland Drive, LA being intervied:

"There are two ways of looking at evil." Brewer continued. "It's either the lack of something or the presence of something. [emphasis added] Eastern view is that evil is simply the lack of enlightenment. That's pretty much the secular view as well. If we have enough goods, services and justice, we won't have evil. Like all heresies, there's an element of truth to that. But heresy is truth out of balance."


The fullest picture, which is the one he preaches, holds that there is "the presence of a personality behind the evil. Is there a presence of evil in the world? I believe evil tells us there absolutely is. And sometimes evil is personified. I'm not saying Harris and Klebold [Columbine killers] were possessed. I have no idea. But I know they were no innocent of evil. There's something else cooking there beyond them being mad because they were ostrocized by jocks."

Christian ministers aren't the only ones in LA qho believe in the Devil, Brewer adds. "We've got plenty of Satan whorshipers here. They say he was a fallen angel that Christians have given a bad rap."

Um.... Excuse me??? "Christians have given a bad rap"?? Some people will make excuses for anything/anyone.

Intellegent guy, though. Sounds like he'd have sermons worth hearing!

Definate 5 star! * * * * *


Ok, I'll admit- I stole this from Kat's blog, but it was too funny not to pass on!

What Men Really Mean

"I'M GOING FISHING" Means: "I'm going to drink myself dangerously stupid, and stand by a stream with a stick in my hand, while the fish swim by in complete safety."

"IT'S A GUY THING" Means: "There is no rational thought pattern connected with it, and you have no chance at all of making it logical."

"CAN I HELP WITH DINNER?" Means: "Why isn't dinner already on the table?"

"UH HUH," "SURE, HONEY," OR "YES, DEAR..." Means: Absolutely nothing. It's a conditioned response.

"IT WOULD TAKE TOO LONG TO EXPLAIN" Means: "I have no idea how it works."

"I WAS LISTENING TO YOU. IT'S JUST THAT I HAVE THINGS ON MY MIND." Means: "I was wondering if that redhead over there is wearing a bra."

"TAKE A BREAK HONEY, YOU ARE WORKING TOO HARD." Means: "I can't hear the game over the vacuum cleaner."

"THAT'S INTERESTING, DEAR." Means: "Are you still talking?"

"YOU KNOW HOW BAD MY MEMORY IS." Means: "I remember the theme song to 'F Troop', the address of the first girl I ever kissed, and the vehicle identification numbers of every car I've ever owned, but I forgot your birthday."

"I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT YOU, AND GOT YOU THESE ROSES." Means:"The girl selling them on the corner was a real babe."

"OH, DON'T FUSS, I JUST CUT MYSELF, IT'S NO BIG DEAL." Means: "I have actually severed a limb, but will bleed to death before I admit that I am hurt."

"HEY, I'VE GOT MY REASONS FOR WHAT I'M DOING." Means: "And I sure hope I think of some pretty good reasons soon."

"I CAN'T FIND IT." Means: "It didn't fall into my outstretched hands, so I'm completely clueless."

"WHAT DID I DO THIS TIME?" Means: "What did you catch me at?"

"I HEARD YOU." Means: "I haven't the foggiest clue what you just said, and am hoping desperately that I can fake it well enough so that you don't spend the next 3 days yelling at me."

"YOU KNOW I COULD NEVER LOVE ANYONE ELSE" Means: "I am used to the way you yell at me, and realize it could be worse."

"YOU LOOK TERRIFIC." Means: ""Please don't try on one more outfit, I'm starving."

"I'M NOT LOST. I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE WE ARE." Means: "No one will ever see us alive again."

EDIT/ADD ON: I sent this list to my good friend/ex bf of several years ago (you know girls... the tall, Irish one...) Owen and this was the response I got back:


. . . ..All our valuable secrets are out, the women found out!! . . . . .every man for himself!!!
For the love of God No!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Sorry, just getting over the shock . .. there must have been a mole!"

Sunday, August 28, 2005

First week down, X weeks to go

So, my first week at Panera's was fairly successful. Worked three days, go nearly 18 hours in (since we have to clock out for one half hour break every shift) the last three days, and if They (AKA, the Powers That Be) count the training in last Saturday (as I'm fairly sure Erica said they would), then I'm going to get 20ish hours = yay!

I am no latte/I C drink proficient, and have only sustained one minor burn from the darn espresso machine. (Which was really quite small and Assistant Manager Erica had miraculous burn spray in the first aid box that too the sting instantly out of it. Obviously, am going to look up spray and by a ton for at home, lol.)

In addition, I only had one little jug of milk bubble over/explode on me. Still have no idea HOW this happened, as I was turning knob in off direction at time of kaboom/kaboil. Luckily, this was my first day and there were no sever casualties. ;)

I have also learned that one must THROW a bagel into the machete slicer of doom to increase likelihood of bagel actually being sliced most of the way through. (And I came up with this trick after many stuck bagels on my own, too!) Of course, bagel is generally only mostly decapitated, and large serrated knife must be used to hack bagel the rest of the way into two.

So, if you haven't been able to tell, I'm mainly working in the bakery part of Panera's, with some work in the back tubbing cream cheese, finding 16/20/etc ounce cups and doing general sweeping work. (Plus espresso machine, which one mustn't forget about that, or I'm fairly sure it will get testy, lol.)

Pretty much got a hang of the register (knock on wood) after a few mistakes. But hey, it's a touch screen with roughly 40 million options, so mistakes were pretty much inevitable. To error is human, or whatev. ;)

My family came in yesterday and I was able to catch my break during when they were there, so we go some face time in.

(Remind me to do a posting all on funny customer stories someday...)

I work the following this week:

Monday- 8-2
Tuesday- 7-2
Wednesday- 5:30-12
Thursday- 5:30-12
Friday- 5:30-12
Saturday- ? (I'm probably working, but Erica doesn't lay the schedules out that far in advance, so I'm not sure...)

Soooooooooooooo... Erica's a nice boss type person and all (when she's not stress flipping out... but no one acts normal when they're doing that, lol), but 5:30?? On my second week?? Oh, brother...

Maggie! Come in and see me someday before you go back!

So, got less time to blog as of now, but I will attempt to still hit this thing up a couple of times a week. (And begging won't make it happen faster Mags, because I probably won't have time to check my comments/email near as much, either. ;) ;) :P)

Doc had a great sermon today.

Hudson Anglican Fellowship got it's name officially changed last Tuesday to Holy Trinity Hudson, which sounds waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much like the Episcopal cathedral in Cleveland, which is Trinity Cathedral.

So it wouldn't have been my first choice.

But maybe it'll grow on me in time... But right now... Couldn't there have been a nice Saint's name we could have gone with? Eh....

Have a lovely rest of the weekend!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Why'd you lie to me? :sings rest of song, rather badly:

Lie Of The Day

"Terrorists always come from countries we've occupied,"claimed Jodi Evans, founder of Code Pink, on the Laura Ingraham Show.

Hmmm...let's start with Mohammad Atta, who came from Saudi Arabia, a country we did not occupy. (Although Jodi's definition of "occupation" includes any country in which we have military I guess we occupy Germany as well).

Naw, I looooooooooove Laura! Much funny haha. I am very sad I shall not be able to listen to her in the mornings anymore! Maybe I should ask not to go in until noon on Fridays so I can hear the Soundbite Of the Week contest? Hmmm...

Click here: Laura Ingraham: Lie of the Day

Woah, let the media cat fighting begin!


Tue Aug 23 2005 20:34:26 ET

CNN President Jonathan Klein implies ratings news leader FOXNEWS is mired in coverage of "meaningless nonsense," claiming: "Fourteen Americans dead, and they have Natalee Holloway on," Klein says. "And they're supposedly America's news channel."

"It's easy and it's brainless," Klein charges in a telephone interview set for publication at the NEW YORK TIMES, explaining why cable news outlets are gravitating to the Aruba story. "They're looking for an ongoing drama" along the lines of the NBC crime show "Law & Order," he said, adding, "Except 'Law & Order' doesn't do the same plot every night."

"There are an awful lot of things you can cover if you don't have people tied up with this meaningless nonsense," Klein says.

In early July, Klein pulled CNN's correspondent out of Aruba and dropped the subject from most CNN shows in the absence of new developments.

"If Jon performed as well as he talks, he wouldn't have to explain his network's dismal ratings," says Irena Briganti, a spokeswoman for FOXNEWS. "We have trounced him on every breaking news story from the London bombings and last week's events in Gaza."


Click here: DRUDGE REPORT FLASH 2005®

It's the end of the world as they know it...

(Written Tues. night, posted Weds. morning...)

The kids go back to school tomorrow... Summer sure went by fast, lol. Can't believe youngest brother is the age I was when we moved here/baby sister is going into third grade. Much terrifying. I feel old, lol. ;)

Mom and I are probably going to run over and donate blood tomorrow. Feelin' good about it, especially since I haven't for a good year plus because of being on this one med/letting it get out of my system. I mean, yes, it's weird watching the needle go in (so I don't always watch, lol), but it's a fairly painless process/gift that can potentially mean the world to someone/those they love. One of those gifts-that-keeps-on-giving-things.

Especially since they're apparently on some kind of shortage plus Labor Day weekend coming up.

I'm going to try and remember to talk to them about donating platelets my next round (56 days in between, isn't it?). Never done that, and I know it takes longer/hurts a bit more, but since platelets are even hard to come by then blood cells... Actually, maybe they can do that tomorrow? (Though I think they might generally prefer you schedule that beforehand? Hmmm... We'll find out.)

And here's to helping the person who sticks me REALLY knows what they're doing, because I go in at 8 Thursday for six hours, and I hope my arm won't be aching too much!

I hope Mr. Whipple and Mrs. Terri (both running for BOE)/anyone running who is anti-MAW & current BOE got enough signatures/get them in on time Thursday!

My mom and I went to the BOE meeting Monday night-every time Patti Picard gets up to talk (or sits down, I'm not picky as long as she's talking) I get the urge to run up there and slap her silly. Woman makes me look unsarcastic, which is not only hard, but is also VERY unprofessional looking.

And she can't open her mouth without bashing 'No Child Left Behind'! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! :smacks: I mean, she's all "how dare they have national standards they except our students/teachers to me" every five seconds EVERY time she talks. It's like heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeello, this is a BAD THING HOW, EXACTLY?? :glares:

Monday, August 22, 2005

BOE Meeting...

"Hudson Board of Education meeting tonight, 8/22/2005, 7:30 p.m., in the HS Media Center.

Let’s let our Board know how we feel about their pay raises that they approved by unanimous vote!"

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Carb-a-phobes, stay far, far away! :brandishes bread:

Told Maggie earlier today, but for all the rest of my minions... I mean, friends... I got a full time job at Panera's downtown. So much for ever breaking the carb-a-holicism, right? ;)

(Actually, Dr. Atkin's died of heart disease and all, and humans have lived on grain derived foods since the beginning of EVER, so I think anti-carb people are insane. So I am working among my own, lol.)

Got my paperwork done for Panera's today, and I'm getting trained by their evidently best trainer person on Thursday, so yay for that, lol. Erica (managerial type person) was going to let me work tonight, but then it took us (other girl named Michelle was getting her's done too) a little bit longer to get done because of various interruptions.

Mostly this guy named "Bubba" who I've seen working before (and is evidently in Michelle's homeroom and kept walking over to talk/firt? with her) kept coming by and asking Erica is he could go on break, etc. Nice guy, seems a little slow, but that's probably because he's apparently on the varsity football team. Not to evoke the 'dumb jock' cliche... But... Lol. Like I said, he seems nice and has evidently been working there for a while.

Erica definitely seems really nice, and should be fairly easy to get along with. She seems a bit stressed out at the moment, but since school's starting back up so all the summer people left/way cut back their hours, I'm sure that explains a lot of it. Little spastic with time, though, because she apparently forgot she wrote down that she was going to do my paperwork with me tonight, lol. Luckily, Michelle had apparently just gotten there, so no big.

Now, I just need to get into the swing of this, and then find somewhere I can work nights-since I think I'll be getting weekend time in definitely at Panera's.

Ironic factoid I learned at 'Planet Bread' (policy type training yesterday): Pan = bread (duh!) and era = time of, etc. So Panera = Time of the Bread Bread.

I kid you not.

Lol! ;)

So, didn't tell my sibs yet, going to see who figures it out first. Going to be nice for Patrick to be back in school/swimming full time and not being able to earn money and have me with a paycheck, lol.

So, Maggie, I don't know your work schedule for your last week, but I'm working 8-2 Thursday, and 10-4 Friday. (Or you could just come in next week.) But whenever, hopefully I can serve you/take a break and socialize for a few. :)

K, I gotta go work on dinner type food, or I'll burn the chicken.

And that would be verrrrrrrrrrrrry bad.


Saturday, August 20, 2005

Knew there was a reason I liked this guy...

Click here: - Politics - Roberts Criticized O'Connor Promotion

I mean, who CARES that Roberts is a HE not a SHE? Wouldn't make him a better justice if he was of the opposite sex.

Bush Gives Armstrong Bike Tour of Ranch

Click here: - Politics - Bush Gives Armstrong Bike Tour of Ranch

Naw, I think "Tour de Crawford"'s a cute play on words, lol. ;)

Shame Lance is really a dirty liberal with a dirty liberal singer girlfriend.

(Cause his kids are cute, and all.)

But was he in the 'Golden Nugget' at the time?

Click here: - Politics - Senate Minority Leader Reid Had Mild Stroke

"The National Stroke Association says transient ischemic attack, considered a type of mini-stroke, is a brief episode of stroke symptoms that usually last less than 24 hours and usually does not involve any permanent loss of abilities. One in three people who experiences a TIA go on to have an actual stroke, the NSA reports on its Web site."

Sooooooooooooooooo, I shouldn't give up all hope?

Haha, jk, I'm really not that mean.

...I just want him out of office, lol.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Had a most excellent day (ended by having cherry soda floats and popcorn for dinner while watching a movie, which would give a day a couple of stars on it's own, lol) but I think I'll hold of saying why for a bit because I don't want to jinx anything... ;) ;)

Betsy, if you leave without me tormenting you one last time... Er... I mean... Me seeing you off back to DC I shall be very upset. I feel I should send you off with ceremonial ramen so I know you won't starve, etc. Did you ever get you bed to fit in the minivan after all? (I'm sure that was an interesting experience, lol.)

Also, got to feed the ducks at the outlet mall today, a good time was had by all.

I think I'm going to get a pet duck at some point in my life- they're so cute! :)

...Stop looking at me like that, it's not my fault I was well trained when I was a baby/toddler to think ducks are amazing, lol.

(Which they are.)

(...Kinda like penguins.)

Have a marvelous weekend! :)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Rush speak...

On credibility, and at least this guy wasn't from Newsweek:

"We are very, very vigilant about [made up stories] because credibility of a newspaper is everything. Even before our readers being our God, credibility is our God." -Philip Bennett, in People's Daily

Rush speak, from the Limbaugh Letter, April 2005 issue: If credibility is your God…looks like you're going to hell.

Me: I think I smell something buuuuuuuuuuuuuuurning... ;)

:runs by:

I have no time to do a real post, but apparently Mr. Whipple's going to run for school board! Yay!

Hopefully will be on here again this weekend, but I promise nothing.

Betsy, CALL ME.

And blog spam is STUPID.

Have a good day! ;)

Friday, August 12, 2005


You know how sometimes people do things even though they KNOW watching them will piss them off and do bad stuff to their blood pressure?

Like watching “Hardboiled” on MSNBC.

Or me reading this blog periodically.

I seriously don’t know WHY I do this anymore. Heck, referring back to this incident, I really don’t think I am going this weekend- if there are finalized plans- because I’m sick of her talking trash about me behind my back, etc.

Nor do I see that as a REASON at this stage in the game to give her my face to bitch at. I’ve had more then enough of her trash talking the rest of us (simply because we don’t agree with her) to want to actually put up with it in person.

Sadly, this apparently means I won’t see Carli this summer, but hopefully she’d forgive me if she had any idea what’s been going on since Jan.

In other news, there will be no all out brawl-esq cat fight this weekend if I have anything to do with it, lol. ;)

...But Maggie and Betsy have to give me all the gossip, anyways. ;) ;)


Betsy never comments on my blog anymore- and it makes me sad! :(

Monday, August 08, 2005

Board Reverses Prevailing Wage Decision

Board Reverses Prevailing Wage Decision

At a Emergency Board Meeting, the board has dropped the previous prevailing wage requirement. The board members said they had "new information" that led to them dropping their prevailing wage requirement. The only new information was the threat of litigation because of the prevailing wage requirement. "A lawsuit against the board would look terrible during election season" an anonymous e-mailer notes.

Board member James Antes, who has previously voted FOR prevailing wage, said non-prevailing wage is the best decision. But why was this obvious to him only after the district was threatened with a lawsuit - did he even check his facts the first time?"

The first time around, he simply 'rubber-stamped' the superintendent's decision, just has he as well as every other single board member has done many times in the past" noted a resident at the board meeting.

When asked, board president Andrew Duff stated that politics had no influence on his decisions, even though they clearly did. Mr. Duff is obviously no longer going to support decisions unpopular with the community because he is up for reelection. What do you think?

Well, they caved. Shocking. And no community pressure affected decision? Ha! :spits on Duff:

Help! :screams:

The Swedenborgs are both sitting at computers less then five feet away from me- I feel the need for evasive action, but I'm not sure on my plan of retreat. (Plus, I really need to work on something, so I can't really leave my computer at the moment.)

Any suggestions?

Here's to hoping they don't remember me as a past student/older sister of one of her students from last year, lol! ;) ;)

Well, it's the start of the end of the era...

I mean, I can't say I was a big fan, etc., but it's weird to have him off the news for ever and for always- I mean, he's ALWAYS been on the night news in my life time.

However, I'm not one to speak ill of the dead, so here's to Peter Jennings.

(This is also weird because he's like not that different in age from my mom's parents... Kinda creepy...)

Friday, August 05, 2005

Bumpersticker mania of the day...

Fav. bumpersticker of the day- if I ever win the lottery, I'm going to hit up this site until the cow's come home... After responsibly paying for college, of course. ;)

"Kerry Jumps on the Moore Wagon "

Found this post earlier, definately worth a look see. Think I've found a new favorite blog to haunt, lol. ;)

Oh, and Mags- how do I make another column for links/etc on the side of my blog?? I can't speak html, I need help! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!

CNN Suspends Novak for Walking Off Set

Obviously, I don't watch CNN/TNN/Terrorist News Network, but I heard about this on Laura this morning, and I gotta say, good for him.

I mean, the man should admirable restraint.

Forget walking off the set when The Sea Serpant's/James Carville's on it, I would haul off and let my hands do the talking. (Don't know what he's blackmailing his wife with, but it must be REALLY bad!)

CNN Suspends Novak for Walking Off Set

NEW YORK — CNN suspended commentator Robert Novak (search) indefinitely after he swore and walked off the set Thursday during a debate with Democratic operative James Carville (search).

The exchange during CNN's "Inside Edition" came during a discussion of Florida's Senate campaign. But CNN correspondent Ed Henry noted when it was through that he had been about to ask Novak about his role in the investigation of the leak of a CIA officer's identity.

A CNN spokeswoman, Edie Emery, called Novak's behavior "inexcusable and unacceptable." Novak has apologized to CNN, and CNN apologizes to viewers, she said.
"We've asked Mr. Novak to take some time off," she said.

A telephone message at Novak's office was not immediately returned Thursday.
Carville and Novak were both trying to speak while they were handicapping the GOP candidacy of Katherine Harris (search). Novak said the opposition of the Republican establishment in Florida might not be fatal for her.

"Let me just finish, James, please," Novak continued. "I know you hate to hear me, but you have to."

Carville, addressing the camera, said: "He's got to show these right wingers that he's got a backbone, you know. It's why the Wall Street Journal editorial page is watching you. Show 'em that you're tough."

"Well, I think that's bull—— and I hate that," Novak replied. "Just let it go."

As moderator Dan Harris stepped in to ask Carville a question, Novak walked off the set.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Oh, and before I forget for longer...

Had a good time visiting Betsy and Maggie's church over the weekend. Much interesting stained glass/arch details, etc. Also, very interesting to hear a whole service in Latin- thank God the right side of the page was in English, lol! (And the little blurbs in the margins were very helpful as well!)

Yummy lunch at the Winking Lizard afterwards- much love to Maggie/Betsy for putting up with me feeding the wildlife while we were eating, lol. ;) ;) (Though I still can't figure out how Betsy ATE something called 'Lizard Lips'-- even if it WAS really just chicken fingers. Still... Eeeeeeeeeeeeew!)

Thank you again, gurlies! :)

(...Unfortunately, I apparently missed Hottt Piano Guy's last weekend at our church- now he heads off to do missionary like work in South American before starting seminary in the fall. :sigh: Still getting over the fact that (Father) Doc unofficially told me Drew wasn't seeing anyone several weeks back-- are priests supposed to suggest dating partners? Lol!!!)

SOS bumper stickers!

According to an SOS email, "Bumper Stickers will be available when the Band returns from Summer Camp. Price will be $3.00 / ea or 5 for $10.00 "

Aren't they great? Wonder if I can convince my mother to tape one to the back window of the car if she doesn't actually want to stick it on? Lol!

Book List... Enslaved by Ducks: How One Man Went from Head of the Household to Bottom of the Pecking Order

Enslaved by Ducks: How One Man Went from Head of the Household to Bottom of the Pecking Order

Definately a great summer rec! Read this awhile ago (yeah, being bored at sister's swimming lessons, lol) after reading a recommendation from the Chinaberry catelog.

If you have/have had pets of any nature, this book will definately warm yuor heart. (That, and we drove through some of the parts of Michigan it mentions last month, so I got be all 'I know where that is!' periodically, lol.)

This just in from the BoE...

Mark your calanders...

As always, check Recall the Board and the SOS website for more accurate details and any changes!