Yes, I'm a natural RED, WHITE and BLUE

Insprirational quote from service last Sunday: "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot

Monday, June 27, 2005

Two Winnie the Pooh Stars Die

:sob: Naw, this is sad. I LOVED these movies when I was younger!

Click here: Two Winnie the Pooh Stars Die | The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh :

Take Back The Memorial!!!

It disgust me- what THEY are trying to do to the MEMORIAL- to the end that I'm going to do the "smart" thing and not even START to get into it.

However, I think everyone needs to sign the petition!

Click here: Take Back The Memorial

Friday, June 24, 2005

Lie of the Day

Lie Of The Day

"We are stronger when we understand this land of opportunity has never been served better than when we had a Democrat as President of the United States," claimed Dick Durbin.

Sure, because the last one worked out so well with that whole impeachment thing and all...

Amen Laura! ;)

Click here: Laura Ingraham: Lie of the Day

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

:shock: Update!

Sorry I left this alone for a few days Maggie- I had NO idea it would be so traumatic for you. ;) ;) (Been busy, etc, etc.)

Nothing much to update... Other then my obvious outrage at Turban Durban, lol.

However, I won one of the weekly drawings at the library summer reading group (yay!) so I now have a few ice cream at Coldstone! Yum! :) Can I talk anyone into meeting me there this weekend?

...And did I mention that the BOE cut Howard's contract out early on Friday? :seeths: Shame my mom managed to put on the breaks last Thursday and didn't actually smear Duff all over her windshield... Cause who wants to clean THAT up, right? Blah.

I actually got some sun over the weekend! Yay! (Also, semi-shocking, lol.)

I had fun going shopping at The Loft downtown with my mom yesterday afternoon and "helpfully" talked her into buying some really cute stuff! :) And I got a really cute white top. So I'm thrilled. And they were out of this ADORABLE black dress I saw there a few weeks ago, but I found it on eBay after looking for it for only like five minutes, I was so happy-I'll let you know if I get it or not because it's so pretty and classic! :) :)

Wow, I really sound girlie in this post, lol. ;) ;)

Thursday, June 16, 2005

'Woman Kept Alive in Hopes of Saving Baby'

I guess it's pro-life news story day today or something...

:sigh: So sad for this poor family... And those little children that aren't going to remember their mother-their father's showing real strength of character, though.

(And I'm also disappointed AOL News-who's overall liberal audience is voting 97% currently in saying the husband is making the right decision, in a REAL break with "tradition"- had a better version of this story out then FOX did-how can FOX let me down like this??)

Click here: AOL News - Woman Kept Alive in Hopes of Saving Baby

Who else smells a cover-up?

"Put It on Page Six

When The New York Times yesterday broke the story that a memo apparently linked U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan (search) to a U.N. Oil-for-Food contract awarded to his son's company, the Times put it on Page Six.

Later in the day it became an even bigger story when Oil-for-Food scandal investigators said they were "urgently" reviewing the new development.

So where did the Times play that today? Why, on Page 10. The Washington Post put in on Page 12."

You know, as fun as it is to mock this, one wishes they'd be a little less OBVIOUS so we would need to put a tiny bit off effort into the mocking, lol. ;)

Click here: - Special Report w/ Brit Hume - Political Grapevine - What a Trip

Boy Killed in Cambodia School Standoff


Some parents, meanwhile, grabbed three of the hostage-takers from police and began beating and kicking them, said Prak Chanthoeun, the military commander. "We could barely control the angry crowd," he said.

Go parents-shame the police GOT those "people" out of the crowd of parents...

Click here: - U.S. & World - Boy Killed in Cambodia School Standoff

'Artist's Performance Offends 9/11 Families'- and so it should!

In New York, Mayor Michael Bloomberg (search) called it "nauseatingly offensive," and some who lost family and friends at the trade center agreed.

"What kind of a sick individual is he? Tell him to go jump off the Empire State Building and see how it feels," Rosemarie Giallombardo, whose son Paul Salvio died in the terrorist attack, told the (New York) Daily News. "He's an artist? Go paint a bowl of fruit or something."

Couldn't agree more! (And I don't agree with Bloomie on a lot, so that's saying something.)

What this "artist" and the people who thought what he was doing was acceptable are smoking something REALLY strong if they can find essentially mocking the deaths of the 9/11 victims anywhere close to all right.

Click here: - U.S. & World - Artist's Performance Offends 9/11 Families

Schiavo's Parents Dispute Autopsy Report

I'm with the parents on this one-especially considering the close connections Felos :vomit: has to the person who performed the autopsy-who wouldn't perform the professional courtesy of letting a top expert in the field witness the autopsy and insisted on doing it alone. This part of this sad story sound fishy to anyone else?

Click here: - U.S. & World - Schiavo's Parents Dispute Autopsy Report

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I'm sorry, but this man was GUILTY as the SINS he committed!

Nearly half said they were “surprised” by the verdict, with 24% saying they were “outraged.”

Gee, I wonder which percentage I fit under??? :is violently ill: Excuse me, but THE HELL is with CA juries? EVERYTIME they get a "celebrity" they let the person off on that ALONE! :gags:

Click here: Gallup: Public Splits, In "Major Racial Divide," on Michael Jackson Verdict

Camera of Sean Penn, Journalist, Confiscated in Iran

Seeing how low on the intellegence/patriot scale one can be and still be called a "journalist" in today's society, I'm not even going to make fun of the fact that Mr. Penn :gags: thinks he can be one. Since, hey, it's obviously much easier then being an actor (a VERY "hard" job), right?




OK, I lied.

I AM going to mock him.

:points and laughs:

He's probably one of those leftists and gets all shocked that men/women/old people/etc etc walk around with machine guns in a war zone, lol.

Loser! :P

Click here: Camera of Sean Penn, Journalist, Confiscated in Iran

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Men In Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America

Just finished this a few days ago and it's FABULOUS! A definite must read by "the Great One" (quote Sean Hannity)!!!

...Of course, now I look at the justices like they're all out to destroy the world... But that's not any different then it was before, so let's not blame the book, shall we? ;) ;)

Click here: Books: Men In Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America

The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy: The Untold Story...

Also, just got this, but it's like three on the list of when I'll be reading them, lol. ;)

Gotta love the title, right?

Click here: Books: The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billion

South Park Conservatives : The Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias

Got this out from the library today (it had been in for a while, but what with the library being closed while they moved... anyways, point is, I have it in my possession now), started it in the middle (yes, I know it's weird, but the chapter title jumped out at me...) and I really like it. Plenty of interesting info and it keeps moving... I'll let you know when I'm done if it's a def. rec. for your summer reading lists, lol.

Click here: Books: South Park Conservatives : The Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias

GOP Chairman Walks Out of Meeting

GOP Chairman Walks Out of Meeting
The Associated Press
Friday, June 10, 2005; 11:03 PM

WASHINGTON -- The Republican chairman walked off with the gavel, leaving Democrats shouting into turned-off microphones at a raucous hearing Friday on the Patriot Act.

Why don't they try this more often? I mean, it's what I would do... If I could manage to restrain myself from punching dear ol' Nancy in the face, of course! ;)

The House Judiciary Committee hearing, with the two sides accusing each other of being irresponsible and undemocratic, came as President Bush was urging Congress to renew those sections of the post-Sept. 11 counterterrorism law set to expire in September.

Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., chairman of the panel, abruptly gaveled the meeting to an end and walked out, followed by other Republicans. Sensenbrenner declared that much of the testimony, which veered into debate over the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, was irrelevant.

Yay Sensey! You tell them who's boss! (I think I like this guy... I should look up more about him and send a nice email into his office commending his behavior...)

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., protested, raising his voice as his microphone went off, came back on, and went off again.

And the question now becomes... Who handed him the mic to start out with??

"We are not besmirching the honor of the United States, we are trying to uphold it," he said.

:gag: Now, was that before or after they spit on our veterans, refused to say the pledge CORRECTLY and burned our flag?

Democrats asked for the hearing, the 11th the committee has held on the act since April, saying past hearings had been too slanted toward witnesses who supported the law. The four witnesses were from groups, including Amnesty International USA and the American Immigration Lawyers Association, that have questioned the constitutionality of some aspects of the act, which allows law enforcement greater authority to investigate suspected terrorists.

Anything that has the word "International" in it... Let's just put it "nicely" and say that I don't give a darn about their opinions, shall we?

And what's wrong with giving out "greater authority" to our law enforcement when they're chasing down terrorists again? I'm so confused... :dripping sarcasm:

Nadler said Sensenbrenner, one of the authors of the Patriot Act, was "rather rude, cutting everybody off in mid-sentence with an attitude of total hostility."

You mean he didn't stay for your entire hysterical rant? As in, he stayed for SOME of it??

Wow, is Sensenbrenner a nice guy or what?? Since I would have blocked the door and not allowed slimeballs like this lowlife in at all...

Tempers flared when Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., accused Amnesty International of endangering the lives of Americans in uniform by referring to the prison at Guantanamo Bay as a "gulag." Sensenbrenner didn't allow the Amnesty representative, Chip Pitts, to respond until Nadler raised a "point of decency."

Again, who let the pinko-commis in? And Idiots International didn't NEED to respond, their head loser already said the other day that there was NO PROOF behind the comments his organization had made!

And go Mike Pence, btw! (Why does Indiana get decent senators while we end up with Mike DeWhine and Voin-a-bitch?)

Sensenbrenner's spokesman, Jeff Lungren, said the hearing had lasted two hours and "the chairman was very accommodating, giving members extra time."

Sensey for (political) sainthood?

James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, speaking immediately after Sensenbrenner left, voiced dismay over the proceedings. "I'm troubled about what kind of lesson this gives" to the rest of the world, he told the Democrats remaining in the room.

Perhaps the message is "we're in the MAJORITY God damn it, and we don't have to take you bitching anymore" and it's too friendly and should be edited for future use?

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, in a statement, said the hearing was an example of Republican abuse of power and she would ask House Speaker Dennis Hastert to order an apology from Sensenbrenner.

And I hope Hastert tears up that request while she's standing there...

Click here: GOP Chairman Walks Out of Meeting

Michael Goodwin: Howard and Hillary sing the same tune

"Howard Dean is all the rage. The loudmouth leader of the Democratic Party has set off fireworks with his nasty broadsides at Republicans. He's been so harsh that some in his own party want to muzzle him. Here's a taste of the tone:

"Right now we have a White House and a majority in Congress who are systematically weakening the democratic traditions and institutions on which this nation was built. They are turning back the clock; they are tearing down the building blocks of democracy ... turning the clock back on the 20th century. Turning the progress back beyond Franklin Roosevelt, even beyond Teddy Roosevelt."

Oops. Beg pardon. That wasn't Howard Dean. That was Sen. Hillary Clinton, speaking at a Democratic dinner in Minnesota in April.

Here was Dean speaking on the same topic, the Senate filibuster rule, at a Take Back America conference in Washington on June 2:

"This administration is beginning to erode the core of our democracy. ... The great genius of American democracy is that if 48% of you vote one way, you still have some say. ... Now they're trying to eliminate that."

The accusation is identical, the words are interchangeable. And it is not a unique event."

Very good column! (Great quoting!) And I think this speaks more of the true Hillary! then any of us have seen in a good long time-but we all KNEW was there, of course. Wonder if they have the same speech writer right now? Because if not, we're close to a copyright infringement suit here, lol!

Click here: New York Daily News - Home - Michael Goodwin: Howard and Hillary sing the same tune

Those poor Dems... Running in the same circles over and over and over again...

"Privately, people have said they don't want Howard Dean to become the story because we have more important issues to talk about," said Donna Brazile, who managed Al Gore's presidential campaign in 2000.

They do? The part of No? I'm dyyyyyyyyyyying to hear them...

"But publicly we will continue to give Howard Dean our strong support," she said.

Because that's working SO well for you at the moment... He's bringing in the big bucks, this one. ;) ;)

One of Dean's predecessors at the DNC, Don Fowler said, "The controversy over this statement or that statement is a blip and only a blip." But Fowler complained about leading Democrats who aired their gripes last week. "Even if they don't like it, they should have enough sense not to make those comments," Fowler said.

Yes, that's right. Because there's no such thing as a "maverick" Democrat... Only "maverick" Republicans who are too in love with their own precious image in the mainstream media... :smacks McCaine:

Click here: My Way News

Democratic leaders back Dean, don't want 'wimp'

"I hope Governor Dean will remember that he didn't get elected to be a wimp," said DNC member Gilda Cobb-Hunter, a South Carolina State representative. "We have been waiting a long time for someone to stand up for Democrats."

OK, but there's a difference between "brave" and "stupid."

Click here: Democratic leaders back Dean, don't want 'wimp'

2,000 year old dates, anyone?

"But it is the female date that is considered holy, and that bears fruit. "Men are rather superfluous in the date industry," Dr. Sallon said.

Well, then. Should I even say anything here or just let this one slip by? ;) ;)

...You know what? I think I can just go speak for itself, lol!

"O.K, I have a date plant," Dr. Solowey said. "If it lives, it will be years before we eat any dates. And that's if it's female. There's a 50-50 chance. And if it's a male, it will just be a curiosity.""

And they paid her HOW much to grow this scrawny little plant again?

Click here: After 2,000 Years, a Seed From Ancient Judea Sprouts - New York Times

Sean Penn in new role as "Woodstein"

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell... He can't be worse then anyone else pretending to cover the news, right? Because I'm not sure it's possible to be that bad...

Click here: Sean Penn in new role at Friday Prayers in Tehran - Yahoo! News

Torture by 90's late pop music?

"Dripping Water or Playing Christina Aguilera Music:

After the new measures are approved, the mood in al-Qahtani's interrogation booth changes dramatically. The interrogation sessions lengthen.
The quizzing now starts at midnight, and when Detainee 063 dozes off, interrogators rouse him by dripping water on his head or playing Christina Aguilera music."

Hmmm, so far, this sounds like a middle school dance...

"According to the log, his handlers at one point perform a puppet show "satirizing the detainee's involvement with al-Qaeda."
He is taken to a new interrogation booth, which is decorated with pictures of 9/11 victims, American flags and red lights. He has to stand for the playing of the U.S. national anthem."

And the problem with this is, WHAT exactly? These animals should be surrounded by those pictures and patriotic American music ALL the time. (When not being subjected to 90's pop, of course!)

"His head and beard are shaved. He is returned to his original interrogation booth.
A picture of a 9/11 victim is taped to his trousers."


"Al-Qahtani repeats that he will "not talk until he is interrogated the proper way." At 7 a.m. on Dec. 4, after a 12-hour, all-night session, he is put to bed for a four-hour nap, TIME reports."

THIS is what makes us worse then the Soviets?? I mean, I KNEW the liberals were complaining about something stupid, but this redefines that.

Click here: DRUDGE REPORT FLASH 2005®

Saturday, June 11, 2005

And now for something slightly different...

"Face Time

Baby-faced politicians beware — a new study reveals that cute candidates may pay at the polls. Students in a Princeton University (search) study were able to pick the winners in congressional races nearly 70 percent of the time just by looking at pictures of the candidates... and researchers say the effect likely reflects differences in the candidates' "babyfacedness.

"The study concluded that students tended to chose the most competent looking candidate and that baby-faced politicians are perceived as less competent than more mature-faced, equally attractive candidates."

Hmmmm, maybe Edward's can use THIS as an excuse now? ;) ;)

Click here: - Special Report w/ Brit Hume - Political Grapevine - Playing Hooky

Friday, June 10, 2005

The Best Headline EVER! ;)

"Unilateral Self-Flagellation"

I mean, is that COOL or what? Go Ollie!

Click here: - The Majority, Silent No Longer

Pope Promotes Abstinence to Fight AIDS - Yahoo! News

Dude, go Benny! You tell those people how "THE Book" says it should be goin' down, lol. ;) ;)

Click here: Pope Promotes Abstinence to Fight AIDS - Yahoo! News

Gallup: Public Confidence in Newspapers, TV News Falls to All-Time Low

EU crisis deepens as France and Germany gang up on Britain

"Commentators noted that Chirac and Schroeder will be going into the summit severely weakened.

Chirac faces a lame-duck presidency to the end of his mandate in 2007 because of the referendum debacle, while various electoral defeats in Germany have left Schroeder with little prospect of holding on to power in polls next year.

On the other hand, Blair last month won a third mandate and is governing one of the rare vibrant economies among the major EU members.A veto from him would scuttle the summit and delay EU budget decision to early next year.

"Tony Blair may not have the intention of ruining the European summit. But he has the power to do so. That's his strength," the French newspaper Le Figaro said."

How DARE these looser try to gang up on Tony!!

Click here: EU crisis deepens as France and Germany gang up on Britain

GOP leader criticizes Democrat remarks

"During an earlier event yesterday, Mehlman poked fun at Dean's comment. At a reception for him by the Republican Jewish Coalition, held at the Duquesne Club, Mehlman quipped: "Good afternoon, my fellow white Christians.""

Lol! ;) ;)

Click here: GOP leader criticizes Democrat remarks -

It Depends What The Meaning of "Misspeak" Is

New good column from El Rushbo's brother...

Click here: David Limbaugh

Laura Ingraham: Lie of the Day

Lie Of The Day

"Governor Dean is an effective chair of the Democratic National Committee and that is why the Republicans are so relentlessly going after him," claimed Nancy Pelosi.

Dean's verbal gaffes make the Democrats long for the days of Terry McAuliffe!

I think quoting the "Lie of the Day" for ya'll is going to becoming a "bad" habit of mine, lol. (Shame she doesn't post the "Duck of the Day" or any "But Monkeys" on her site in the same fashion, lol.)

Lol, Dean "the Scream". Just keep it up Howie! You make us look good without us doing anything and there's always a good laugh in there for us too, lol! :)

Click here: Laura Ingraham: Lie of the Day

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Laura Ingraham: Lie of the Day

Lie Of The Day

"The Republicans don't represent ordinary Americans and they don't have any understanding of what it is to go out and try to make ends meet," claimed Howard Dean.

The Republicans keep winning the middle-class vote, Howie. Time to adjust the medication, Doc!

Yay! I LOVE Laura and I LOVE the Lie of the Day... So, OBVIOUSLY, I had to share! ;)

Click here: Laura Ingraham: Lie of the Day

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Poor baby...

This is one of those sobering experiences... That poor mother, standing right there and not being able to get there in time...

Click here: - U.S. & World - Six-Year-Old Girl Killed Trying to Save Turtle

:cue Jaws music:

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

And they're ending the world... or at least Hudson... AGAIN

Hudson City School District
Hudson, Ohio

Board of Education
Special Meeting
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
6:30 P.M.

I. Call to Order and Welcome by President

II. Reports and/or Recommendations of the Superintendent -
        Mrs. Maryann Wolowiec
Administrative Personnel - High School Principal Recommendation

            B. Community Learning Centers - Facilities

            C. Miscellaneous

III. Adjournment
Be it Resolved That: The Hudson City School District Board of Education meeting be adjourned.

Vote: Mr. Funk_______, Hackney_____, Mr. Hubach_____, Mr. Antes_____
Mr. Duff______

Monday, June 06, 2005


Today's sign of the apocalypse.


I am PISSED to the high heavens- Walowiec told the teachers this morning (all less then 20 of them that showed up to hear the grand announcement) that they hired Tyree!!!! The P.E. teacher with NO principal experience!!!! That was the BEST they could do! HUDSON SHOULD BE GETTING THE BEST APPLICATION FROM ALL OVER THE STATE AND WE SETTLE FOR THIS??????

And there's rumors that they're moving the perverted middle school principal up to take Tyree's places, in which case my mom says we're moving, flat out, no shitting around, we're done. (Not a direct quote...)

I'll rant more at you tomorrow, but my mom was at a different meeting so we have to catch up more, and I can't think anything CLOSE to clearly on this tonight.

(If you can get the Plain Dealer tomorrow, look for our statement on this since yours truly stayed late(r) to help word it- in fact "unprecedented" is MY word, lol.)

I need aspirin and a drink... Well, maybe not together, but I SERIOUSLY need to unwind from this in a major way now.


(Good luck with exams Mags! What's the schedule?)


This week in local politics...

Much local political plotting tonight at the second Save Our Schools (SOS) meeting I'm going to...

And tomorrow's the freak BOE meeting... (Everyone come! 6:30 HHS Media Center!)

And I've got the first SOS Political Strategy Planning Committee meeting Thursday night. (And you should see my brainstorming notes! Am I pathetic about stuff like this or what??)
I'll be running high off of political adrenaline this week, that's for sure! ;) ;)

I fully intend to make Maryann Wala-what? and the rest of the BOE VERY sorry they ever had me attend their school district, lol. ;) ;)

Not Your Daddy's Morse Code

See- this is the news more people should be covering related to Iraq and Afghanistan! These mom's aren't whining, they're out helping other parents contact their kids!

" provides free, state-of-the-art communication services to over 30,000 servicemen and women. The program allows 1,500 deployed troops a day to spend virtual time with their families, enabling them to participate in milestone family events like births and family reunions, adoption services, spending time with dying relatives and even getting married."

" provides message boards for parents, a chat room that is open for three hours each evening, a database of local support military groups and a Marine Corps database that includes the specific units, locations and the contact information of Marines (search) — all of which is no longer being released by the military."

Click here: - U.S. & World - Not Your Daddy's Morse Code

Inspiration of the day

"The explosion didn't change who I am. I want to continue to serve. It's just part of really is a privilege to me."

-- Major Tammy Duckworth, an Army Aviator who lost two legs and severely wounded her arm.

I mean, I LOVE the soundbite contest on Laura's show on Fridays, but I really think there should be a serious category and "stupid" category so gems like this don't have to compete with those at the bottom of the barrel, you know?

Click here: Laura's Official Home On The Web

Take that liberals!

Take that liberals! Hispanics ARE NOT mindless lemmings! :)

Click here: Republicans See Glimmer of Hope in Calif. - Yahoo! News

And here I thought California was going to be the first state to fall off...

Check out Guantanamo guards tell of prisoner attack

Heard about this article on Laura this morning, DEFIANTLY the kind of story that needs to be out there more often... People seem to be conveniently FORGETTING that these are SUSPECTED TERRORISTS
not harmless people randomly plucked off the street!

Click here: Guantanamo guards tell of prisoner attack - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - June 06, 2005

I smell a rat in the majority...

"Stevens said there are other legal options for patients, "but perhaps even more important than these legal avenues is the democratic process, in which the voices of voters allied with these respondents may one day be heard in the halls of Congress.""

K, I've been reading "Men in Black" (
) by Mark Levin, and I'm willing to put good money down that Stevens only went with the majority so he could shape the language in a way that pretty much shoots down the entire POINT of killing this issue at this date. (Kinda like how other jurors have set up the road for Roe v. Wade and other pet left-left-wing issues.)

Click here: Court Rules Against Pot for Sick People

But what do the all important POLLS say Bill?

"Former President Bill Clinton urged French President Jacques Chirac on Monday not to be discouraged by the travails of the EU constitution, counseling him to listen to voters' concerns and "go back to work."

Clinton said France's rejection of the landmark charter doesn't spell the end of the European Union.

In a meeting with Chirac, Clinton talked briefly about France's "no" vote last month on the constitution, which was followed by a resounding rejection in the Netherlands. The referendums triggered a crisis of confidence in the 25-member EU.

"I told (Chirac) not to be too discouraged," Clinton said, recalling that he faced similar setbacks as Arkansas governor when he pushed for a new state constitution."

Gotta admit I'm surprised since his entire presidency was governed by the polls...

Click here: Clinton Counsels Chirac on EU Constitution

Anyone but France...

OK, I'm still going for New York City here (I mean HELLO New Yorkers DESERVE having this more than anyone else), but I'm running London as my second choice.

I mean, ANYONE but the French, right? I mean, if they can only work 20 hours a week or whatever, who's going to run security on an even this large??

Click here:

Sunday, June 05, 2005

"Liberalism is a Mental Disorder... There's nothing I can do." -Michael Savage

"Despite highly publicized charges of U.S. mistreatment of prisoners at Guantanamo, the head of the Amnesty International USA said on Sunday the group doesn't "know for sure" that the military is running a "gulag."

Executive Director William Schulz said Amnesty, often cited worldwide for documenting human rights abuses, also had no information about whether Secretary Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approved severe torture methods such as beatings and starvation.

Schulz recently dubbed Rumsfeld an "apparent high-level architect of torture" in asserting he approved interrogation methods that violated international law.

"It would be fascinating to find out. I have no idea," Schulz told "Fox News Sunday."



Pretend you know NOTHING else about this story.

Just from reading this much, wouldn't you assume that these ARE NOT charges you make unless you can back them, instead of having the CRITICAL information in the "I have no idea" category???


On the otherhand, it feels like the first day of summer (late 80's) and I'm taking my sister off to the pool, where hopefully my 13 year old brother and his friend will not drown me today... (Vs. yesterday, when they very nearly did...)

Oh, before I forget- good staff editorial in the Hub, go check it out. (And that's my brother's prom date in the front page graduation photo on the left in the background.)

Click here: My Way News

Tyree over Howard for principal of HHS?? You've got to be kidding me...

The BoE has called for a special meeting for Tuesday, June 7, 2005 a 6:30PM at the High School to discuss facilities and to take action on personnel items.  (New Principal????) If you can take the time be there. 

The next meeting of the SOS Committee will be held at the Western Reserve Church on Division Street – Church St.  Monday, June 5th at 7:00PM

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Say Cheese Gromit!

I like the Swiss. Don't trust European unity, have a good, healthy respect for why all their citizens should be armed, not vocal anti-NRA type groups... I mean, damn good reason this country hasn't gotten invaded much since the invention of the gun, lol. ;)

Click here: Eurosceptic Swiss Vote on Freer Rein for EU Travelers | Europe | Deutsche Welle |

:sing "It's the End of the World as We Know It"

The big question is... Will the Chinese start the conflict that the world goes to Hell in a handbasket in, or will it be the Koreans? (Not that they aren't in bed together, anyways, but...)

Click here: Rumsfeld: China's Military Buildup a Threat

Scientists to Breed 'Test Tube' Sharks

Messing with nature here... And as much as I love sharks, if they naturally have only the strongest two in a litter (right word?) survive, that's how it was meant to be. Just because a group of scientists somewhere they should suddenly change how their breed of shark works, doesn't mean it's what should be going down.

Also, I thought that nurse sharks were a breed that was easier to keep in captivity then a lot of others because you rarely see an aquarium without a few in it. (Vs. great whites, who produce offspring at an even "less productive" - oooooh, bad pun- rate and have never survived in captivity.)

Click here: Scientists to Breed 'Test Tube' Sharks

Graduation controversy at Petaluma High

Different issue, obviously, but here's another school board that's going out of its way to stick its head in the sand in the face of public opinion...

Click here: Graduation controversy at Petaluma High

EU leaders forced to calm jitters over euro - World - Times Online

Naw, their little socialist plot to destroy the world (starting with old Europe) is falling to pieces!

Is it wrong to be happy in the face of their distress here?

Click here: EU leaders forced to calm jitters over euro - World - Times Online

Friday, June 03, 2005

Bush Praised for Addressing Kim Jong Il as 'Mr.'

"North Korea gave rare praise to President Bush (search) on Friday, welcoming his use of the honorific "Mr." when referring to leader Kim Jong Il (search) and saying the softened tone could lead to its return to nuclear arms talks."

Um, I'm sorry, but North Korea has GOT to be this bitchiest country on the FACE of the earth. Like a moody teenage girl or something.

Click here: - Politics - Bush Praised for Addressing Kim Jong Il as 'Mr.'

"I Don't Feel for Felt"

Another good Ben Stein piece I heard about from El Rushbo today...

"But there was and is a bigger story here. Frankly, Nixon is no longer alive. If he was a hero, he is a deceased hero. Bob Woodward is no one's idea of a hero. A super businessman and accomplished writer, but no hero. Mark Felt is only Richard Ben-Veniste's hero. But there are major heroes out there every day. There are 140,000 of them in Iraq and about 15,000 in Afghanistan, at lethal risk every minute of every day. There are a million more ready to go. There are millions of family members of these heroes. Can we possibly, possibly, conceivably forget them? Somehow, I think we have. The lead news stories are almost never about them. The story is about Michael Jackson or about Mark Felt. This is desperately wrong, and I do mean desperately. I am going to write a lot more about this Monday, but in the meantime, let's remember there's a war on, and the best and bravest of our nation are dying every day -- to protect a great nation, but one which seems lately to have forgotten even what the nation is all about."

Excellent point, yes?

Click here: The American Spectator

"Deep Throat and Genocide"

Yay, Ben! Well written article, figured you esp would like Bets! :)

"Can anyone even remember now what Nixon did that was so terrible? He ended the war in Vietnam, brought home the POW's, ended the war in the Mideast, opened relations with China, started the first nuclear weapons reduction treaty, saved Eretz Israel's life, started the Environmental Protection Administration. Does anyone remember what he did that was bad?

Oh, now I remember. He lied. He was a politician who lied. How remarkable. He lied to protect his subordinates who were covering up a ridiculous burglary that no one to this date has any clue about its purpose. He lied so he could stay in office and keep his agenda of peace going. That was his crime. He was a peacemaker and he wanted to make a world where there was a generation of peace. And he succeeded.

That is his legacy. He was a peacemaker. He was a lying, conniving, covering up peacemaker. He was not a lying, conniving drug addict like JFK, a lying, conniving war starter like LBJ, a lying, conniving seducer like Clinton -- a lying, conniving peacemaker. That is Nixon's kharma.

Click here: The American Spectator

Oh Dear God...

"BORN: ABC This Week anchor George Stephanopoulos and his wife, actress-comedian Ali Wentworth, welcomed a new daughter, Harper Andrea, Thursday morning in a Washington, D.C.-area hospital, reports The Washington Post. The arrival weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz. and measured 19" long – the same arrival weight and length of Harper's older sister, Elliott, who is 2, says the paper, which adds that the expectant dad helped fuel the delivery process by picking up a burrito from a local Tex-Mex restaurant called Austin Grill. "People should just save the trouble of inducing labor and eat there," said Stephanopoulous."

He's reproduced?? As in more then once?? Not with the good on that... Bleah.

Click here: Baby Girl for Newsman George Stephanopoulos | People, Individual, George Stephanopoulos, Alexandra Wentworth, Pop 

Westminster Abbey Rejects 'Da Vinci Code' Film Plans

Dude, way to put your feet down Westminster Abby peeps! :)

Click here: AOL News - Westminster Abbey Rejects 'Da Vinci Code' Film Plans


The Jackson Freak Show Trial is almost over and will no longer be all over the news! :parties:

Hope Geraldo has the shaving cream ready...

Is 45,358,592 a big number?

This is taken in part from an essay my brother did for his freshmen English class recently, that I'm actually really proud of.

Is 45,358,592 a big number?

Well, just think that the combined populations of California and Michigan add up to about 45,358,592.

· By 2002, a reported
45,358,592 LEGAL abortions had occurred.  In almost a thirty year period, since abortion was first made nationally legal by a panel of men, that 45,358,592 babies have been killed because of the irresponsibility of the individuals that had sex and couldn't cope with the consequences.

· If that isn't a big number, just think that
one baby is murdered about every 21 seconds in the United States alone. 

· About
5 babies are murdered every minute, 273 babies are killed every hour, and 6,559 babies are aborted every day

45,910 babies are aborted every week, 198,941 babies are aborted every month, and 238,729 babies are murdered a year

Most women don't have to drive more than one hundred miles from their home to murder their babies. (According to his research, my brother did, there's one about twenty minutes from our house.)

Quotes from his essay with some minor editing from me… What can I say? I'm his older sister and an ex "Newspaper Nazi", I couldn't help it, lol. ;)

"Many argue about what makes a human a human, but once the sperm and the egg come together, a human life has been formed.  Yes, the unborn baby does not look like a human…at this point.  What else in the cycle of development would set the unborn baby apart from the living human?  A human has 46 chromosomes that make up it's complete genetic code. 
Once the sperm and the egg are united, the unborn baby has all 46 chromosomes that make up it's own unique genetic code, therefore it is a human.  Period.  NO QUESTIONS. Everything that makes a human uniquely a human is in every unborn baby.  It now has everything, except for food and other nutrition, to allow this fetus to grown into the person that it is meant to be.  You cannot argue that it is not alive because the heart begins to beat between the eighteenth and twenty-fifth day and electrical brain waves have been recorded as early as forty days

There are some very disturbing ways of killing these innocent babies…One of the most popular third trimester abortions is called
"brain suction" or the "D&X"
method. These are done after 4 or 5 months of pregnancy.  The entire infant is delivered except for the head.  Then scissors are jammed into the base of the skull, into the brain.  This infant is old enough to feel pain.  Just imagine someone beginning to suffocate you and then stabbing you with a knife through the skull, through your tongue, through the roof of your mouth, up past the inside of your eyeballs then finally into your brain.
  ... At this point, a tube is inserted into the skull, and the brain is sucked out. The now-dead infant is pulled out from it's mother."

Yay, little bro. :starts to hug brother and then thinks better of it: How many 15-year-olds do you know who talk honestly about topics like this?

"What about the child with disease who will die a slow death or live his life as a burden to his/her family you ask.  Some of these cases are tragic, some are also inspirational. We cannot assume the responsibility for killing an unborn child simply because the child has not yet been seen in public. The child's place of residence (family) does not change what abortion does:
kill a human being.  If it is OK for an abusive person to kill a defenseless baby and not give it up for adoption, where it might have a chance at life, then who's to say that some random person off the street shouldn't be able to murder that same person for no reason.

       What is very surprising is that most abortionists themselves seem to know that they are destroying life, a human life, not a lump of tissue that means nothing to anyone.

       "We know it is killing, but the states permit killing under certain circumstances," Neville Sender says.  He runs an abortion clinic in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by the name of Metropolitan Medical Service. 

       Warren Hern of Boulder Abortion Clinic in Boulder, Colorado says, "There is no possibility of denial of an act of destruction by the operator.  It is before one's eyes.  The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current."  

       Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers says, "Women enter abortion clinics to kill their fetuses.  It is a form of killing.  You are ending a life."

You would think that any doctor that wouldn't kill a newborn baby the moment that it was born.  But what separates that baby from being killed minute before it is born, or a minute before that, or a minute before that?  At what minute can anyone consider life to be worthless and the next minute for that life to be human?

There is only one answer to the question, "Is abortion acceptable?"  And that's NO!  No matter how many arguments anyone could put up for this issue, killing a 30 or 16 or 10 year old is no different from murdering a 30 or 16 or 10 week old baby.  I feel that the medical community should emphasize and find safe and effective birth control that would eliminate the need for abortion."

Work Cited
"Abortion." 3 October 2004.
"Abortion, The Facts." 4 October 2004., October 4, 2004

Thursday, June 02, 2005

And now it's time for... Guess this politician!

Ok, here's the clue:

"hated as the most cruel monster and bloodthirsty beast as he has drenched various parts of the world in blood."

And your options are:

A) Stalin
B) Hitler
C) Bin Laden
D) Dick Cheney

And the answer is... That's right... Our own VP!

You know, aging, balding man from Wyoming with the killer sense of humor and the sarcastic smirk? Yep, he's
"hated as the most cruel monster and bloodthirsty beast as he has drenched various parts of the world in blood."

...Or at least the government of North Korea thinks so, anyway... F-ing communists...

Click here: - U.S. & World - N. Korea: Cheney's Comments Unhelpful

Under the Tuscan Sun

Betsy had pics of Tuscany on her blog and I was possessed with the need to do this, lol. ;) BTW, I LOVE this movie!

Memorable Quotes from
Under the Tuscan Sun

Marcello: I am going to make love all over your body!
Patti: Can you star 69 Italy?
Frances: Ladybugs, Katherine. Lots and lots of ladybugs.
Katherine: It's a nice little villa. Are you going to buy it?
Frances: The way my life is currently going, that would be a terrible idea.
Katherine: Terrible idea... Don't you just love those?
Frances: I'll hire the muscular descendants of Roman gods to do the heavy lifting.
Patti: Think of your inner voice.
Frances: Inner voice..."What the fuck am I doing on a gay tour of Tuscany?"

Patti: Frances bought a house in Tuscany! And you're going to live there alone?
Frances: Well, I'm not there alone. I'm there with bugs.
Patti: Ew.
Frances: Every day I watch for the old man with the flowers, and I wonder, was he born here? Did he love someone here? Did he lose someone here? He doesn't seem as curious about me, but that's alright.
Frances: You're the one that made the "empty-shell person standing at the crossroads" speech.
Patti: Oh, yeah. That was me.
Patti: I refuse to screw up your love life.
Frances: Don't be ridiculous, Patti. You are my love life.
Frances: What are four walls, anyway? They are what they contain. The house protects the dreamer. Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game. It's such a surprise.
Frances: This is really bad, isn't it?
Patti: Well, it's not good. Unless you want to give your butt a facial.
Frances: That's a contradiction in terms.

[at the Flag Festival]
Patti: These are straight men.
Frances: In tights.
Patti: Waving flags.
Frances: I'd like to make an offer on the house. This is what I can pay, minus the work on the place, and a rental car to drive off a cliff when this all turns out to have been a terrible mistake.
Katherine: Regrets are a waste of time. They're the past crippling you in the present.
Frances: Do traffic lights mean anything around here?
Marcello: Sure. Green light - avanti, avanti. Yellow light - decoration.
Frances: What about red light?
Marcello: Just a suggestion.
Katherine: Never lose your childish innocence. It's the most important thing.
Pawel: [after Frances finds him and Kiara on her bed] We have nowhere to be together!
Frances: And what does that make me? Saint Francesca, patron saint of horny teenagers?

Martini: Signora, between Austria and Italy, there is a section of the Alps called the Semmering. It is an impossibly steep, very high part of the mountains. They built a train track over these Alps to connect Vienna and Venice. They built these tracks even before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew someday, the train would come.

Click here: Memorable Quotes from Under the Tuscan Sun (2003)

Pass the Pâté

"La Bulldozer" is f*cked.

But then again, I think pretty much the entire EU is about the same, so there MAY be some bias there... But that doesn't mean I'm wrong, lol. ;)

"What worries me most are the French people. For all their righteous indignation, they were angry for the wrong reasons. They voted against the constitution because they're afraid for their jobs, they want to keep their cushy lives, they want to maintain the status quo. Well they're just writing their own national death sentence.

Because the EU document has nothing to do with what ails them now. They better wake up and smell the Starbuck’s coffee and understand that bulking up on vacation and days off is nice … but it isn't going to get you ahead. And having every social benefit in the world is wonderful, but there's going to be nothing left for their children. And instead of fearing outsiders entering the French Magic Kingdom (the boogie man this year was a low-wage Polish plumber) they should welcome them so they can get on with the other creative and stylish things the French do.

Click here: - U.S. & World - <b>Reporter's Notebook:</b> Pass the Pâté

Couple Celebrate 80th Anniversary of World'

How Heroic Was 'Deep Throat'?

Wow, have I ever stayed (pretty much) on topic for this long?

Here's that article I mentioned earlier.

Great quotes. Henry Kissinger, etc.

Click here: - Politics - How Heroic Was 'Deep Throat'?

Mr. Deep Throat

"And, by the way, W. Mark Felt's most famous words to Bob Woodward (search): "Follow the money."

You do that right now and you discover why Felt is admitting he was Deep Throat. He wants money, said so himself. Think mega book deal.

So whoever wants to arrange the ticker tape parade for W. Mark Felt, go ahead.

I'll be staying home."

Amen! Thank you John Gibson! :)

Click here: - The Big Story w/ John Gibson - My Word - Mr. Deep Throat

Brit Hume - Political Grapevine - The Reporting of Deep Throat's Outing

Ah ha! From "Deep Throat" himself...

"As for Felt himself, he told's Timothy Noah (search) several years ago that if he were Deep Throat it would be "terrible," insisting, "This would completely undermine the reputation that you might have as a loyal, logical employee of the FBI. It just wouldn't fit at all.""

Click here: - Special Report w/ Brit Hume - Political Grapevine - The Reporting of Deep Throat's Outing


I honestly don't get why such a high percentage of "intellectuals" are so mortally afraid of organized religion.

Maybe because then they'd have to admit there's something higher then themselves? Or some kind of twisted jealousy because they just don't get what most of the world DOES and it drives them crazy?


Click here: - U.S. & World - Professor's Stance on Religion Enrages Some

Can we say bitter??

""Here is a secret that no one has told you: Real life is junior high. The world that you are about to enter is filled with junior high, adolescent pettiness; pubescent rivalries; the insecurities of 13-year-olds; and the false bravado of 14-year-olds. " - Ex-NBC anchor Tom Brokaw, Emory University, May 16"

Courage, Tom. Courage. ;) ;) :P

Click here: AOL News - How Celebrities Have Addressed the Class of 2005

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Concerning "Deep Throat"

Concerning "Deep Throat"

I saw the link to a story on FoxNews earlier, and if I can find it again I'll link on to it, but it basically brought up a question I don't think enough people in this "media orgasm" (quote El Rushbo) are discussing... Was Deep Throat a Hero?

Personally, I say no. Politics aside, if this (I'll admit nice, harmless-looking old) man REALLY is "Deep Throat" -- he betrayed his position, his president and his government. Last I checked, that was much with the major no-no from someone in an intelligence agency, you know?

I mean, supposedly this guy didn't come forward for DECADES because he felt like a betrayer (case in point) but his family apparently spent the last three years convincing him he was a "hero."

OK, hero to who?

The team Hillary Clinton
* was part of that would do absolutely ANYTHING the bring Nixon down?

Carl Bernstein and other members of the main stream media until today (and can't stop talking about this story long enough to talk about any REAL and most likely IMPORTANT stories in the news).

Also, I have a theory. ("It could be bunnies!" ...If you don't get it right off, don't ask, lol.)

OK, supposedly this man's "family" has been working him for the last three years to bring this story forward, killing the big "we'll tell you who Deep Throat is when he dies" guarantee that the media was given back in the day.

However, what if it's all a red herring because someone at the paper that has jealously guarded this "secret" for years and years and years thought that some other reporter from a rival paper was too close to finding out the truth, so Bernstein, etc., coached a slightly senile 91-year-old (who had a convenient position in the Nixon era government) into think that he really was Deep Throat to throw everyone off the path.

(I mean, at this point in the game, nothing other then the word of a few people of debatable reputation can "prove" this one way or this other.)

Then, in X many years when the real guy dies, they can be all JK! REAL Deep Throat is John X. Smith

...Hey, it could happen! And what is this theory wasn't so off the wall after all?

Most likely, though... The guy's family just wanted him to get a book deal so they inherit more when he kicks it, most likely in the next decade. (Cruel and crude, but likely in today's society.)

*Dick Morris's Hillary book is a must for an excellent comparison to modern Hillary! and the president she fought so hard to take down. ...Also well documented in another book I've read in the last year, but the title escapes me at the moment.

**Most likely not the guy's ACTUAL name, lol. ;)